Chapter 61

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Saturday morning saw Maddie curled up in her favorite spot on the couch with Bubbles purring away on her lap, book in hand as her family looked at ranches for sale online. So far they hadn't had any luck but she supposed it was something to do. Something to keep them all busy and keep their minds off things. She on the other hand didn't even feel like looking at ranches and so had instead picked up her copy of Silver Brumby's Daughter to pick up from where she had left off.

Cordell came downstairs, finishing buttoning up his work shirt as he did so then stopped, seeing everyone in the living room either on their laptops or phones. Grabbing his phone out from his pocket he took a picture. 'Look at this. Precious family time together.' He said.

'We're looking at ranches.' Abeline remarked, glancing up at him for a moment. 'Breakfast is on the stove keeping warm.'

'Anything promising?' He questioned as he headed into the kitchen.

'Pickings are slim.' Liam replied while closing up his laptop. 

'Well-' Bonham interjected. 'Cost an arm and a leg to get a ranch up and running anyway. Maybe it's time to put this cowboy out to pasture.'

Cordell rolled his eyes a little at that. 'All right Daddy. Uh, Stella Blue.' His eldest daughter looked up from her phone for a moment. 'Good morning to you. Heard anything back from Sauber yet?'

'Oh, that's that school from Oregon, right?' Liam questioned.

Stella nodded. 

'That's right.' Cordell replied. 'See? I-I know things. I listen.'

She chuckled. 'Um, not yet. But last day for letters is next week, so... there's still time.'

'Okay. All right, well, I-I wouldn't worry. You got this Blue.' He looked over at Maddie as he grabbed a plate from the cupboard to serve his breakfast onto. 'Maddie. Good morning.'

Maddie looked up at the mention of her name, having been too absorbed in her book to take much notice of what was going on around her. 'Oh, hey Dad.'

'Good book?'

'Yeah...' She yawned softly as she stretched, her cat jumping down off her lap at her sleep being disturbed. 'It's okay.'

'You've been awfully quiet this morning.' Abeline remarked. 'Something on your mind?'

Maddie shook her head. 'No, no... Just enjoying this book is all.'

She nodded, deciding against pushing the matter any further. 'Want to come see some ranches with us today?'

'I was hoping to go down to the stables, spend some time with my girls.' She said with slight hesitation. 'I mean, if that's okay...'

'Yeah, yeah, I don't see why not.' Cordell commented as he scraped the last of the scrambled eggs from the pan onto his plate. 'Be good for you to get out. You sure you're feeling up to it though?'

'I'm sure. I mean, I know yesterday wasn't a great day...' Her voice trailed off. Yesterday had most certainly been one of her worser days, she'd been feeling pretty lousy from the medication she was on. Today though she seemed to feel alright.

'Well-' Liam interjected, placing his laptop aside and picked up his empty coffee mug to go get a refill. 'If you need to come home early, just call. One of us will come pick you up.'

She nodded. 'Thanks. I better go get ready then...' She looked over at Bonham. 'Grampa-'

'Yep.' Bonham got up from his seat and went over to her. 'Up you come darlin.' In one easy motion he picked her up, blankets and all.

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