Chapter 48

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PSA for a very long chapter 😉
Enjoy 😊

Maddie didn't know what to say, her hand covering her mouth as she stood in shock seeing the crowd gathered inside. They'd planned a party for her and she'd really thought they'd all forgotten. She looked down at Mika who was grinning widely as they all cheered and clapped. She'd known all along. Tears came to her eyes as her family stepped forward, Cordell being the first to reach her.

'Happy Sweet Sixteen baby girl.' He greeted, holding his arms out to invite her for a hug. 

Maddie ran to him, hugging him tight as the tears ran down her cheeks. 'I really thought you'd all forgotten.' She said, looking up at him. 'I-I don't know what to say.'

'How could we forget Maddie?' Stella questioned with a laugh. 'I mean, you've only been talking about it for the last two months.'

She chuckled as the family gathered around her for a group hug and she quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks. 'I-I really didn't expect this.'

'So I take it then our surprise party was a surprise?' Abeline asked with a smile.

'Yes!' Maddie said with a chuckle. 'Yes. I had no idea-' She turned to Mika. 'You, you knew all along! That's why you kept me busy today and brought me here-'

Mika saw that look in her eye and as she took off, let out a yelp. Maddie knew what was the one thing she hated more than anything else and that look she'd given her was one of pure mischief. She wasn't quick enough in her escape though for Maddie caught her, everyone laughing as she got thoroughly tickled despite her protests. 'Hey-hey, Mr. Walker! Help!'

'Nope.' Cordell said between laughs. 'Not getting involved.' 

Giving Mika a couple more tickles Maddie finally stopped, wrapping her friend in a bear hug. 'Thanks Mika.'

Mika smiled as she caught her breath. 'Happy Birthday sis.'

Maddie smiled back at her then turned to the crowd. 'Thank you, thank you all. You have no idea how much this means to me.'

'Judging from the smile on your face, I think we can.' August called out, earning a round of laughter. 

'Haha little brother.' She teased back. 'Very funny.'

The crowd began to disperse, people coming forward to wish her a Happy Birthday. When she saw Rose and her parents her face lit up and she knelt down on one knee, holding her arms out to offer the girl a hug. 'Rosie girl.'

'Hey Maddie!' Rose ran towards her and gave her a hug, clutching a present in her hand. 'Happy Birthday.'

'Thanks sweetheart.' She smiled at her. 'I'm glad you could make it.'

'This is for you.'

'Oh, what is it?' 

Rose giggled. 'Open it.'

'Alright, alright... Give me a moment here...' She rested the present on her knee and began to open the package. 'Oh Rose...' She drew out a black rearing Breyer model horse that looked just like Bel and Dakota. 'Thank you honey. She's beautiful.'

'I picked her out myself.' The little girl replied with a grin. 'You like her?'

'I do, it's beautiful. You know what I'm going to call her?'

Rose shook her head. 'What?'

'Rosie.' She replied as she tapped the girl on the nose, Rose giggling again. 'After the very cute little girl who gave her to me. I'll treasure this Rose.'

Rose's father came over, placing a hand on Rose's shoulder. 'How about we go get some cordial and let your Mama and Maddie talk, okay?'

'Sure.' She agreed with a decisive nod then looked at Maddie again. 'I'll be back.'

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