Chapter 36

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Everything was quiet in the barn save for the gentle sounds of the horses in their stalls. Outside, a full moon shone against a starry, cloudless sky. It was a perfect night. A beautiful night. The air was cool and crisp, a gentle breeze slightly blowing in through the open doors...

They had lost.

'Maddie-' Geri started, walking into the barn with a plate of food in hand, the teenager sitting on a bale of hay outside one of the stalls. Maddie turned to look at her for a moment as she walked in then stood, busying herself with the pretense of checking one of the horses over again. 'You've been going at it for hours honey. Why don't you come inside? I'll take over.'

Maddie shook her head. 'It's fine. I've got it under control.' She replied, letting herself back into the broodmares box. 'If that plate is for me you could have saved yourself the trouble, I'm not hungry.'

'You haven't eaten all day, you need to have something.'

She sighed heavily, knowing Geri wouldn't let it rest until she got her way. 'Alright. Stick it on the table over there and I'll eat it when I sit down again.'

Geri did as she requested then returned back to her, leaning against the stall door frame. 'How are they?'

'Skylar seems to be the one that's recovered the quickest.' Carefully she unhooked the IV line from the needle in the mare's neck and placed the cap back on it before hanging it up with the bag. 'The rest seem to be managing okay.'

Geri watched Maddie work, the teen grabbing a lead rope to clip onto the mare's halter and led her out of the stall once more to walk her up and down the alleyway. 'You know this isn't your fault-'

'Isn't it?' She interrupted angrily, stopping Bonny as she turned to her. 'I fed the horses moldy grain. You saw it there in the feed bin. How could I have been so stupid as to not realize it was bad last night?'

'We-we all make mistakes Maddie...'

Maddie bit her lip, shaking her head as she asked the mare to walk on again. 'And look what this mistake cost.'

Geri stood back while Maddie walked the mare up and down the length of the barn again, at a loss to know what to do. What could she say? There wasn't anything she could do or say that would make the situation any better. Stella and August were just as quiet and withdrawn in the house and Maddie... Maddie was shouldering the blame when the horse's colicing was just an unfortunate and horrible occurrence. 

When her phone vibrated with the ten minute timer, Maddie returned the mare to her stall and hooked her back up to the IV. Geri was right, she had been going at it for hours but who else was there to help? It was Saturday night, all the ranch hands were off and even if they weren't, she highly doubted any of them would have come to help anyway with what had just happened... Giving Bonny a pat and some comforting words she left the stall, turning to Geri as she closed the door behind her. 'Have-have you heard anything bout Grampa?'

Geri shook her head. 'Not yet. I'm sure we'll hear something soon.'

Maddie nodded, hanging Bonny's lead outside her stall again.

'Maddie... Is there anything I can do to help?'

Fighting back the urge to reply with sarcasm she sighed softly as she walked to Chopper's stall, Geri walking with her. 'I just need space right now, okay? I know you mean well but...'

'It's alright. I understand.'

'Besides, Stella and August need you more.' She said, grabbing Chopper's lead on her way into his box. 'I'll be fine.' Chopper showed a slight interest in her this time as she walked in which was a very promising sign. 'Hey boy...'

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