Chapter 26

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'Woah Kota...' Maddie brought the mare to a halt after having her phone vibrate in her pocket and quickly pulled it out to see who had messaged. A smile came to her lips as she saw that it was from Colton.

Hey Maddie, wanna hang out later?

Hey, I'd love to but I'm working at the Side Step from four this afternoon till eight. She texted back. Sorry.

After a few moments, another text came through in reply. Well, when would you be around to hang out?

I'll be working at the Side Step each evening this week but hey, you could drop in. Geri and Dad wouldn't mind me taking half an hour off to chat.

Alright. Sounds good. Tomorrow work? 

Sure. See you then. She added a smiley emoji before hitting send and after he'd sent a smiley face back, returned her phone to her pocket before sending Dakota back out on the lunge line. 

It was Wednesday, Maddie getting back into her routine again after having gone camping for the weekend. She'd enjoyed her time away with Cordell, Stella and August, just the four of them. It had been nice to be able to go someplace and just relax and chill with also the opportunity for her to get to know them better. Cordell had gotten out of the hike and remained in camp doing some stuff with August and while she and Stella had been out hiking they'd had some good conversation. They'd talked about their moms and exchanged stories, all in all it had been good to spend some time with her sister. 

When they'd gotten back, Bonham and Abeline had left to go away for a couple days. They'd be away until Friday and so she and Liam were looking after things while they were gone. Obviously they still had the farm hands but they were understaffed this year and so what workers they did have had quite a workload already. 

'Woah Kota.' Maddie brought the mare to a halt again and went out to meet her, giving the mare a good rub on the neck as they finished their training for the day. 'Good girl.' She smiled as Dakota ate the sugar cube she offered her. 'Well done.'

Glancing at her watch she was pleased to see she was on time and after returning the mare to the pasture and tending to both Bel and Dakota for the evening, she headed on up to the house. 'I'll just change and get ready to go.' She told Liam as she walked past him, her uncle seated at the kitchen table in front of his laptop. 

'Alright. Don't take too long.'

'I won't.' 

True to her word it only took her ten minutes to have a quick shower and change into clean clothes and once she'd finished her makeup and tidied her hair, she was ready to get to work. 'Ready Uncle Liam.'

'Let's get going then.' He placed the lid of his laptop down and grabbed the keys for his car off the bench. 

'Did Dad seem... I don't know... A bit off to you, this morning?' Maddie questioned as they went out the front door. 'I just... got the feeling he was a bit worried about something but I might just be over thinking things.'

'There uh... There's a case going to court today-' Liam started as they got into the car. 'That your Dad worked on.'

'The one that's been in the news for the last two weeks? The Serano case?' 

He nodded. 

'No wonder Dad didn't seem himself.' She remarked with a soft sigh. 'They were trying to get his charges dismissed, weren't they? What happens now?'

'I don't want you worrying about this, okay?' Liam said, glancing over at her as they drove out of the front gate and onto the road. 'Just... focus on something else, alright?'

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