Chapter 28

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Bubbles was curled up asleep in her lap, Maddie absentmindedly petting her cat as she sat on her bedroom floor reading through one of her mothers journals. It had been a little over a week since Minnie Jayne had offered to help her make a name for herself in country singing but she still hadn't come to a decision yet. She was torn two ways; between having the chance to make something of herself or to decline the offer. Was it really fame and fortune she wanted? She didn't know. 

So far, no one knew about the offer she had been given. The family had all been busy with their own lives as of late and she hadn't had the chance to ask anyone's advice. Bonham had left earlier in the week for another short trip, this time something to do with a cattle contract with one of their meat buyers and with them being short staffed on the ranch, both she and Abeline had been working in his stead. 

Sighing heavily, she rested her head back against the wall behind her, staring up at the ceiling. She'd hoped that by reading through her mother's journals she might find some words of wisdom to guide her decision but so far she hadn't come across anything that stood out to her. Reading through the journals though had been giving her a new look at the person her mother had been, what being revealed slowly breaking down the image she had held of her all those years. Her mother wasn't perfect. She was human. She had her struggles just like everyone else... 


'In here Mawline.' She replied to Abeline's call, her grandmother appearing in the doorway a few moments later. 

'I'm about ready to head into town,' Abeline started as Maddie closed the book she'd been reading. 'Would you like to come along?'

Maddie nodded and gently placed her cat down onto the ground before standing, placing her mother's journal back onto her desk. 'Sure. Would we have time to get to the feed and seed while we're there? I'm running low on Dakota's supplements and I forgot to ask Grampa to grab me some before he left.'

'We can drop by on our way to the market.' She assured her as the girl gathered her bag and hat then the two of them made their way down the hallway back into the living room. 'I'll just be a moment...'

Abeline headed to her room and Maddie waited in the living room for her to return, her thoughts again going to the decision she had to make. Could she really see herself singing for a career? Especially when she had a hard time performing at the best of times. Being in the spotlight, being famous like that, was that what she really wanted? Oh sure, being famous looked great enough but not all that glitters is gold-

'Alright.' Abeline exclaimed as she returned with her handbag slung over her shoulder. 'Got everything?'

'Yep.' Maddie agreed with a nod. 'Let's get moving then.'

As they drove into Austin, Maddie stared absentmindedly out the window, deep in her thoughts. Abeline glanced over at her after a time wondering why she was so quiet. 'Maddie?' She didn't reply or acknowledge that she was speaking to her. 'Maddie?' Again, no response. 'Maddie?' She placed her hand on the teens shoulder, shaking her gently.

Maddie turned around with surprise as she was jerked back to reality. 'Sorry? Were you saying something?'

'I was trying to.' She chuckled. 'You looked about a million miles away.'

'Mmm.' After blinking a couple of times her vision returned to normal though her head was still aching. Resting her head back against the headrest she rubbed her temples for a moment then sighed gently, looking at Abeline. 'Say you're at a crossroads and you have to make a decision. Both of those decisions have the potential to change things for the rest of your life but you haven't the faintest clue which path you want to choose. How can you decide which is the right path to take?'

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