Chapter 76

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Cordell was right when he predicted that they were going to have a big week, for a crazy few days was exactly what they were going to get. In the aftermath of the fire and everything that came along with it the truth had finally come out and the Davidson's would be leaving Walker ranch.

They could finally go home.

The next couple of days passed by in a blur of packing and readying to move back to the ranch house. Maddie could hardly wait to be in her own room again. In her own bed. Without having to share a room with her sister anymore.

She couldn't wait to get a good night's sleep.

By Tuesday the Davidson's had removed all their belongings from the Walker ranch house and Wednesday went by in another blur of packing, moving and unpacking. Even with the help of the removalists and working late into the night they still weren't ready to move back in, deciding that they would spend one last night at the rental and finish getting the house ready Thursday morning. Thankfully, in light of what had happened, James had given Cordell the week off work so he could help with the move and each evening James, Trey and Cassie had come by to lend a hand where they could.

Wednesday afternoon while they had been busy moving things into the ranch house, Colton had dropped by to see Maddie. With everything that had happened he just wanted to get away for a bit and so he and Geri had decided to go on a trip together for a few days. While Maddie was disappointed that he wouldn't be coming to Prom with her she understood him needing time away. After the bombshell that had just been dropped on him, who could blame him? His grandmother was in jail and awaiting trial, his mother had just been disposed of being D.A. for her involvement in sabotaging the horse race and he had to attempt picking up the pieces and moving on.

With them being able to return home to the ranch, maybe now things could return to normal.


Maddie woke Thursday morning to the sound of things being moved downstairs and loud conversation, the teen groaning softly as she wearily rubbed her eyes. The busy week she'd had was definitely taking its toll on her. She couldn't remember ever feeling so exhausted. As she opened her eyes, Bubbles padding over to nudge her cheek with her cold nose, she reminded herself that it would be worth it.

They were going home.

She looked over at the bed that Stella had been sleeping in and found it empty. Stella had already left the room. 'What's the time...' She wondered out loud and reached for her phone, her jaw dropping a little as she realized it was after eight. 'Crap... I thought I had set an alarm.'

She sat up and threw the covers back as she clicked on the message Colton had sent her.

Aunt Geri and I will be out of service most of the trip. He had said. Not sure when you'll get this but I hope you enjoy your night tonight. I'm sorry, I really wish I could have been there with you. Good luck for Friday too. XO.

She smiled sadly as she began typing a message back. Hope you guys have a safe trip. I'll see you when you get back. XO.

Hitting send she placed the phone aside, swinging her legs down over the edge of the bed and began changing from her pajamas into the clothes Abeline had laid out for her the night before.

The door opened with a soft creak, Maddie looking over to see who it was. 'Mawline. Morning.'

'Morning Maddie. I thought you would have still been sleeping.'

'With the racket down below?' She chuckled, hearing her father and Liam's raised voices. 'Not a chance. Besides, it's late already.'

'Well, you needed the rest.' Abeline replied while picking up one of the smaller boxes to carry downstairs. 'I'll send Liam up to grab you in a moment, Bon and I are heading to the ranch now to begin unpacking. We'll grab some breakfast on the way through. Blueberry muffin sounds good for you?'

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