Chapter 45

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They told the family that night after dinner, Maddie and Cordell doing their best to hold themselves together as they spoke. Abeline already knew about her cancer, of course, as did Bonham from her telling him but even though they tried to tell Liam, Stella and August as gently as possible, it was still one hell of a shock to them. It was a shock to all of them. 

Maddie was plainly in denial at the news as was Cordell. The rest of them were too, just so utterly shaken by what had been revealed. Yes, three percent of patients pulled through but at only three percent, her chances weren't good. At all. 

They couldn't believe she had a brain tumor yet Cordell had seen the scans for himself. Seen it there on the computer screen as his mind did its best to process the rest of what the neurologist had been saying. His little girl had cancer. Though their world had been shaken by losing the ranch it had been utterly shattered with this revelation.

How could they accept she was dying?

Yes, they could hold onto hope that she would pull through but with the odds stacked against her... 

Her chances were slim to none.


Maddie couldn't sleep, staring up at the roof in the early hours of the morning. She'd tried and tried to get to sleep but it just wouldn't come. She had too many thoughts, too many worries whirling around in her mind to sleep.



Even with her cat curled up next to her, Bubbles gently purring away, she couldn't relax. She just felt so wound up. So anxious. Angry. She couldn't sleep.


Why her?

The clock on her bedside table announced it was just after two in the morning. She'd been lying in bed for hours already and hadn't slept a wink.

There was no point trying to sleep here.

A moment later, her mind was made up.

Maddie glanced over at Stella, her sister appearing fast asleep on the bed across the room. Bubbles stirred slightly as she moved the cat aside but she settled after a moment and she quietly slipped out from beneath the covers. Placing her pillows beneath the quilt so that it looked like she was still in bed if Stella happened to wake and look, she cast another glance over at her sister. She slept on, unawares as to what was going on.

Carefully she unplugged her phone from the charger then crept across the room to the door. Her boots were left beside the door and she picked them up then quietly slipped out, closing it behind her again. 

The house was silent as she slowly made her way down the stairs, being as quiet and careful as possible. The last thing she wanted was to wake anyone. She just needed some time. Time by herself to think. To process. 

Her coat was hanging up on the rack beside the door and she quietly slipped into it before unlocking the front door. As she opened the door she held her breath, hoping it didn't squeak. Thankfully, it didn't and after stepping out she closed it again behind her then put on her boots.

The night was cold and quiet, not a single thing stirring as she headed down the sidewalk to the equestrian center. Streetlights lit the way for a distance then when she turned up the drive to the center, the half moon lit her way. 

Horses raised their heads in surprise when she walked into the barn, taking a slight detour to the tack room to grab one of Bel's fleece blankets. The night was cold and though she had on her jacket, she was still chilled. She only had on her pajamas after all and they weren't exactly the warmest clothes for a midnight stroll. 

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