Chapter 43

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Here we go 😊
Very long chapter here (8k words long) but I didn't want to break it up so yeah... long chapter.

Anyway, enjoy!

As always, don't forget to vote and comment. I appreciate each and every vote/comment so thanks to y'all.

Strap on your seatbelts folks, the ride only gets wilder from here.



When Maddie's alarm clock started going off, she slapped it hard to turn it off with a moan. Her head was aching badly, already... Cautiously opening one eye she saw Stella rising to get herself ready for the day, her sister looking over in her direction.

'Rise and shining Maddie.'


'Oh come on. Don't give me that look.' Stella chuckled, picking up her pillow. 'Don't make me use this-'

The last thing she wanted or needed was to get involved in a pillow fight at this time in the morning. 'Mkay... I'm up. I'm up...' The room spun for a moment as she sat with her legs dangling from the bed, closing her eyes again for a second.

'Last one down for breakfast is a rotten egg.'

'Yeah Stells...' Maddie winced as she opened her eyes again, the light making her eyes hurt. 'Not... really in the mood.'

She walked over to her bed, looking closely at her. 'Maddie, you don't look so great. You okay?'

'Yeah, yeah, just fine...' She hoped she didn't look as bad as she felt. 'Just tired and another headache. I'll be fine once I've had some painkillers.' Right now she didn't even think she'd make it over to the dressing table where her stash was hidden. 'Would you mind grabbing me some? Top right drawer under the socks.'

Stella went over and opened the drawer as instructed, frowning as she found the boxes of painkillers. Most were empty but she found a sheet that still had a few left in it and after grabbing Maddie's water bottle from the top of the dresser, returned to her. 'How-how long have you been taking these for?'

'I don't know.' Maddie took the painkillers, popping three into her mouth and washing it down with a quick drink. 'It's not like those are addictive Stella, I only use them when I've got a headache.'

'Seems like you've been going through a lot... Maybe Dad needs to take you to the doctors.'

'Yeah...' Returning the lid to her bottle she placed it over on the bedside table. 'I'm gonna talk to Dad soon, okay? So don't go mentioning to him bout that top drawer, right?'

Stella thought about it for a moment then nodded with an accompanying sigh. 'Just make sure you talk to him soon about going in, okay?'


'I better go get ready for school. You'll be right?'

'Yeah, yeah... I'll just give these five to kick in and I'll be out.'

After grabbing her things, Stella headed out to go jump in the shower and Maddie laid down again, closing her eyes while she waited for the painkillers to do their thing. Bubbles rose to come ask for attention and she gave the cat a couple pats then reached for her phone to text Mika. Mightn't be able to make it this morning to look after Bel and Dakota. You got them? 

The phone went back onto her bedside table while she waited for a reply, hoping that her headache would settle down soon. After a few minutes, her phone screen lit up as a message from Mika came through.

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