Chapter 4

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Cordell glanced at the clock, waiting for Maddie to return from checking on the mustang. They were almost back to Austin but still had almost an hour of travel before they made it back to the ranch and she’d insisted on them stopping for her to see how she was doing. The mare had been doing a number on the trailer with her kicking and since they had to go slow, it was taking them longer to get back home then the journey normally would.

The passenger door opened again, Maddie slipping into her seat as she closed the door behind her. ‘How’s she doing?’ He questioned with a glance over at her.

‘Managed to get her to drink a little water when I stepped away from the trailer.’ She replied as the truck merged back onto the highway. ‘She’s still pretty highly strung which is no surprise…’ She sighed heavily, thinking of the fate of the rest of the mustangs that had been on the trailer. At least the black mare would be spared from that end. ‘You got the bill of sale for her, right?’

He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled a piece of paper out to hand to her. ‘And if she doesn’t come good? What will you do with her?’

‘If we come to that bridge, then I’ll deal with it…’ Looking over the paper she was surprised to see that the breed had been filled in as Spanish Mustang and not just Mustang. ‘Cordell, she’s a Spanish Mustang.’

The Ranger raised an eyebrow, glancing down at the paper. ‘R-really?’

She turned to him. ‘Do you think there’s any way of finding out any more information about her? Like where she came from? There aren’t any Spanish Mustangs in the wild anymore, they’re quite rare…’ The next thought that came to mind was exceedingly depressing. If the mare was a Spanish Mustang, the rest of the horses on that trailer headed for the slaughterhouse could be as well. ‘The rest of those horses, they could be Spanish Mustangs too.’

‘You can’t rescue every horse, Maddie girl.’ 

‘I know…’ I sure can try though. She thought as she pulled her phone from her pocket and began looking up Mustang rescues in the area. 

Involved in her research, the time flew by and before long, they were pulling up in the ranch yard. Abeline and Bonham had come out of the house to meet them as Cordell backed the truck up the quarantine pens, Maddie slipping her phone back in her pocket once more. She’d make some phone calls later but right now, her main priority was the mare in the trailer.

‘Did you guys bring a rhinoceros home?’ Bonham questioned as Cordell and Maddie stepped from the truck, the horse in the trailer kicking up quite a storm. ‘Cordell-’

‘Dad, Dad… I-I can explain.’ He interrupted.

‘You better have a good explanation…’

Maddie slipped away from the group and over to the trailer, climbing up on the side to peer in. The mare was still clearly adjigated, her body soaked in sweat and foam. Flies were attracted to her open wounds and with them bothering her they only served to make her more upset. At the sound of the kissing noise she made, the mare turned around, her nostrils flaring as their eyes met. ‘It’s okay girl, you’ll be out soon…’ The black snorted, tossing her head. ‘You’re okay girl, you’re okay.’

At the sound of raised voices, she glanced around and cringed. It was going as well as she had expected with Bonham. Very badly. Abeline placed a hand on his arm, telling him to quiet down with a single glance. 

‘Do you think she can handle the horse?’ Abeline questioned, looking over at the trailer.

Cordell nodded. ‘I-I know she can, given the chance and you know Maddie… Once she sets her heart on something, there’s no persuading her otherwise. Dad, just… just give her a chance.’

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