Chapter 34

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'Hey Bel... Hey girl.' Maddie spoke to her mustang softly as the mare walked up to her, giving her a pat before hugging her neck tightly. 'Morning...'

Bel, sensing that something was off with her human, tucked her head in around her. 

She closed her eyes, just holding onto the feeling of warmth and security that she found being with her mare.

Heaven knew she needed it.

The last couple of days had been horrible to say the least. With everything on the line come tomorrow it felt like she was walking on eggshells with everyone in the family. Tempers had flared and the home she knew had changed until it felt like she was living with a bunch of strangers again. It wasn't the same warm and comforting family that she had been proud to be a part of. 

Everything had changed.

Bel shifted her weight after she'd been holding onto her for a minute and she let go, wiping away a couple of tears that had trickled down her cheeks. 'Hey... I've got something for you.'

The mustang eagerly snatched up the sugar cube that she offered her and Maddie rubbed her cheek as she ate. Seeing that Bel had something good to eat, Dakota ambled on over from where she'd been grazing beneath the old oak to see if there was anything for her.

'Yes yes... I've got something for you too.' A sad smile touched her lips as Dakota nudged her coat pocket and she quickly drew out another sugar cube to give her. 'There you go. Happy now?'

With both horses having had their morning treat Maddie headed back across the pasture to the shelter, both mustangs following along behind her. When she'd finished feeding and giving them their morning groom she just stood there with them for a while, gaining strength from their presence to see her through the day. 

If only there were some way she could fix this... 

The horses would be the only ones to see her cry. No one else needed her adding on more problems. She needed to appear strong. To do her best to hold her family together. Maybe there was some way that they could make it through this.

What had Cordell said at his birthday party?

That being together made them stronger?

It was hard to believe that party had only been a couple weeks ago with everything that had happened since then. It felt like it had been from another lifetime.

Everything had been going so well for her.

It was almost as if the universe had seen that she was moving on, moving forward and actually happy for once and just had to make it all come crashing down. 


Giving her girls one last pat she headed out of the pasture and up to the barn to start the rest of her chores. Bonham was already there working on the morning feed when she came in, her grandfather looking over at her as she walked up the aisle. 'Morning Maddie.'

She offered him a sad smile. 'Morning Grampa. Want me to do anything?'

'Shouldn't you be up at the house eating breakfast?'

Maddie shook her head. 'Way I'm feeling, I don't want a repeat of the other day. I'll eat something later.'

Bonham placed the feed dipper back inside the barrel. 'You okay?'

'Are any of us these days?'

She made a point. 'I'm about finished here, Cordell should be out soon to train with Chopper. Would you mind getting him groomed and geared up?'

She nodded and headed down to Chopper's stall. 'Hey Chopper.' She gave the gelding a pat as he reached his head out over the door to her. 'Ready for a little exercise?'

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