Chapter 50

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Another update 🤣 I know. I'm trying to move uploading along a little since S3 is now upon us. Speaking about S3, that first episode was awesome. No spoilers for those of you yet to see it. Just go watch it. It was brilliant.

Another long chapter here but things are moving on now. Quiet before the storm.



The arena was still and quiet as Maddie walked Dakota in Saturday morning, so early that no one else was there with their horses. Abeline and Mika were still asleep back at the motel when she and Bonham had quietly headed out so she could get some extra practice in with Dakota while no one else was around.

Dakota wore no tack, no halter or neck rope, nothing.. The way she liked it. No bits, no bridles, no saddles, the only thing controlling her mare being their bond and connection. Halting the mare in the center of the arena she took a moment to rub her forehead then began going through their liberty moves.

She'd decided that her freestyle performance was going to be as simple as possible, no props or anything, just a showcase of what she and Dakota could no. No saddle, no bridle. They'd do it completely tack-less. As Dakota calmly trotted around her Maddie's smile grew. Dakota was still with her, their bond was as strong as ever. Her mare wasn't bothered the least bit by being in this new place at liberty or at the decorations and flags hanging up on the fence. Their practice, the effort that she had put into the mare had all been worth it. They were ready. More then ready.

With a whistle and lowering of her whips she asked the mare to come back to her and when Dakota had stopped beside her, dropped the whips to the ground and vaulted on. Dakota jumped forward into a smooth canter at the lightest touch, Maddie guiding her direction with the gentlest pressure from her heels.

They rode around, practicing through every movement and trick that she had taught the mare in the hundred and thirty days that she'd had her for. This show tonight was probably the biggest moment of their lives, she wanted to be dead certain that they both were ready for something as big as this. They were both in their element, horse and rider becoming one. This was what they enjoyed the most. To them, this was play. Away from the bridles, away from the saddles. Just the chance to be truly one with each other. This was what she wanted to show them. Show everyone that they didn't have to use bits and spurs to get the horse to do as they wanted. No fancy gimichs, just a performance brought forth from a relationship of trust.

She was nervous though about performing in front of so many people. Who wouldn't be? This was a far cry from entertaining some children back at the Equestrian Center. They would be performing in front of hundreds of people, thousands perhaps if she counted the fact it would be broadcasted live on the internet too. Bringing Dakota back to a halt once they'd gone through their practice again she laid down over the mare's neck to give her a hug, taking a moment to have a deep breath and try to relax.

They could do this.

They would do this.

Wishing to keep what she was going to do a secret she brought their practice to an end when a couple of other trainers came into the main arena to work their horses. What they had done would have to be enough and so after haltering her she led her back out once more and made her way over to the round yard to let Dakota have some chill out time.

When she was turned loose Dakota promptly had a roll, Maddie chuckling as she watched the mare jump up when she was finished, bucking and kicking as she ran around the yard. Dakota needed a moment to relax just as much as she had and when the mare had finally gotten out all her nervous energy she caught her again and they headed back to the stable block.

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