Chapter 29

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Here we are, Cassie's introduction! Alright, I'm gonna admit, I absolutely love Cassie. I liked Micki but Cassie, man, she's awesome 🤣 I love the way she just annoys Cordell without even trying and their first meeting was absolutely electric. (See what I did there 😉)

Anyway, obvious dialogue credit goes to Season 2, Episode 10, Nudge. One of my favorite episodes of season 2. Enjoy

And as always, drop me a vote and a comment or two. Those really help keep me motivated to bring you more chapters.


A soft wind was blowing the long grass lazily as Maddie sat with Bel beneath the big oak tree at the entrance to the Walker ranch. Bel grazed contentedly in the shade not far from her, the mare completely tack-less and able to run off if she so wished but instead chose to keep close to her. A slight smile was on her lips as she watched the mustang graze, twiddling a long blade of grass between her fingers. It was nice to just be out with her doing nothing. Taking a break from training and having a moment to relax for a change.

With having rung Minnie Jayne the day before to decline her offer, she felt like a weight had been lifted from off her shoulders. She was content with the decision she had made, feeling that it was the right choice to make. That kind of life, being in the spotlight and being famous; that wasn't what she wanted. All she wanted was right here. On this ranch. She didn't need anything more.


The thought of him brought warmth to her cheeks and butterflies to her stomach. He had been so kind and understanding when she'd poured out her heart to him on that trail ride yesterday evening. It hadn't been right keeping her past and her problems to herself especially if Colton wanted to become more than just friends down the track. He had deserved to know she came with her problems and she had been afraid that in bearing herself, her scars and secrets, he might have decided to run but she was so thankful that wasn't the case.

Her phone vibrated as a message came through and she pulled it from her pocket, smiling.
Thinking of you. Hope you're doing better today. 

I am. She wrote back to him quickly snapping a photo of Bel grazing to add to the message. Taking a break from training my girls to relax. Hope your day is going well too.

After hitting send she returned her phone to her pocket and wrapped her arms around her knees, hugging them tight to her chest as she gazed out over the landscape. So far, no one knew about her and Colton exploring the possibility of being an item and with everything going on between the two families, that seemed to be what was best. Only that morning she had overheard a discussion between Liam and Cordell about the property line, how the map that had been found in the wall didn't line up with the map at the county office. That they were living on Davidson land...

A gray land rover coming up the road caught her attention, Maddie standing as the vehicle turned into their driveway. Bel lifted her head and snorted at the interruption, the teen quickly going over to her to calm her. 'Ssssh... It's okay.' She assured her, a hand on the mare's neck. 'It's just another truck.'

The vehicle came to a stop and the window rolled down. 'I'm looking for the Walker ranch.' The woman in the driver's seat said. 'Is this the right place?'

Maddie nodded. 'Yes ma'am. You are?'

'Cassandra Perez. Call me Cassie.' 

'Maddie Walker.' She replied with a smile. 'Are you here to look at a horse? I didn't think my Grampa had anyone coming by today.'

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