Walker: Surrender Sneak Peak

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Night fell, the decision being made to keep searching on into the dark. Troopers, Rangers, Austin SAR, civilians; all had gathered together at Walker ranch to help in the search effort.

Through the night they worked, searching for any little clue. Anything at all.

They searched and though they tried they found nothing.

It was after midnight when Bonham gave Trey a lift back to Base Camp so he could check on how things were progressing, both of them having been over on the other side of the property helping to start a wider search area.

'Good people that showed up here to help,' Bonharm remarked as he and Trey stepped out of his truck, taking a look around at everyone gathered around still searching. 'doing all this.'

'Yeah. Rangers, cops, friends, neighbors.'

'Yeah.' He paused for a moment then turned to Trey. 'I heard Maddie and Dakota found a bullet casing.'

'Yeah. It was Cordell's gun, too. Seems like he got a shot off, which is good. I didn't even know he was carrying. But I guess most Rangers always do.'

'Ranchers, too.' Bonham pointed out, his rifle in his hand. 'They found the casing. They found the gun. They didn't find anything else. They don't think he's out there, do they?'

'All they know is that anything that they find, and I mean anything, could be useful.' Trey replied. 'That's the truth.'

Bonham sighed. 'I guess.'

'I was thinking that I should keep their morale up, though.'

'What are you thinking?'

'A pancake breakfast?' Trey suggested then shook his head. 'Nah, I don't, I don't know, man. That was... that was probably stupid.'

'No, no. No, it's a good idea.' He told him, liking the idea. 'Pancakes. You know what? We'll get the family involved. It's good to keep them busy, keep their morale up.'

'Yeah. Yeah.' Trey nodded in agreement.

'I'll go let them know.' Turning to leave, Bonham clapped him on the shoulder. 'Thank you, Trey. I'll see you in a bit.'

'All right.'

'All right.'

Trey headed off to go speak with the team beneath the temporary gazebo they set up for their base, Bonham starting back to his vehicle, deep in thought. Yes, he was worried for his son but not as much as the others were. Cordell had been in the military, Special Ops to be exact. He had the training to be able to get through tough situations and something told him that whatever Cordell was going to go through, it wasn't going to be easy. He had faith in him though, faith that he was strong enough to cope with whatever was thrown at him...

A short distance away from Bonham's truck, Maddie was working with Dakota. Back and forth they had been going all afternoon, zigging and zagging their way across the search area. Maddie was beyond exhausted but she was too proud to admit it. They had to keep searching. They had to find something. Anything.

They couldn't give up.

Her father was counting on them.

Maddie was brought back to reality when Dakota stopped suddenly with a snort, the teen frowning as she tried to make out what was wrong. 'Found something girl?' She questioned, using her headlamp to try seeing if there was anything around. As far as she could tell there was nothing and when she turned her attention back to the mare she saw that Dakota wasn't telling, she had just stopped for no apparent reason.

'Come on.' She spoke tiredly, clucking her tongue to cue the mare on. 'Walk on.'

Dakota stayed at a standstill.

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