Chapter 52

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*TW for cancer*
Also, tissue warning.
It's going to get dark the next few chapters but I promise you, things will turn out in the end.


Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! As always, I appreciate greatly any feedback I receive and enjoy reading your thoughts.


(BTW, who has seen episode 2 of season 3 yet? No spoilers here but Cordi and Liam 😓 and Stella... That girl needs a serious reality check! Okay... Rant over... (So far, I'm not enjoying the teen drama lol. When I get up to writing it, I'm gonna be tweaking the story line just a lil)

I'll shut up now and let y'all get on with the chapter.

Enjoy some Maddie/Liam hurt/comfort angst.

'Maddie...' The teen glanced up for a moment as Liam walked over to where she was sitting on the ground in the backyard. 'Thought I might find you out here. Mind if I join you?'

Maddie shook her head and Liam took a seat beside her, the girl playing with some blades of grass.

'Needed to get some air, hey?'

'Yeah...' She replied with a soft sigh. 'Couldn't-couldn't stay inside much longer.'

'Not fair getting to watch everyone else eating and you can't.'

'Mmm... Something like that.' She pulled another few blades of grass up, rolling them between her fingers.

Liam looked down at his niece. 'Maddie, what's wrong?'

'I-I'm okay.' She replied, keeping her voice as steady as she could. 'I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me.'

'What did I say before about letting other people be strong for you?' He questioned softly. 'I'm here for you Maddie. You don't have to deal with this on your own.'

Maddie felt the tears coming to her eyes and she swallowed back the lump in her throat. 'I-I'm scared.... Uncle Liam.' She finally said after a long moment.

'Come here honey.' He held out an arm to her, inviting her in for a hug. Maddie moved over close to him and he held her tight against him.

'It-It just kinda hit me.... You know.' She sniffled after a moment. 'It-it feels real now and I-I'm...' Her voice broke as she looked up at him. 'I'm scared.'

Liam kissed her head gently as she began to sob softly.

After a moment Maddie wrestled her emotions under control once more, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. 'I-I'm sorry.'

'It's okay.' He assured her. 'Talk to me kiddo. What's going on?'

She looked up at him, her eyes still shining with tears. 'I don't want to die.'

Liam felt his heart break at those words.

'I-I have too much to live for.' Maddie continued. 'I know where I'm going if I die and that's not what I'm scared of. It's what I'd leave behind. I don't want to leave you. My family.' Her voice broke again and she had to swallow the lump in her throat down again. 'And Dad... I know Dad's trying so hard to be strong for me... for all of us but I know he's breaking inside and I just wish there was something I could do to fix it.'

'You always think of everyone around you, that's part of what makes you so special.' He replied after a moment. 'But you can't fix everything.'

'I know...' She bit her lip, looking at the crushed blades of grass between her fingers. 'I-I don't think I can do this, Uncle Liam. I don't think I can go through with having the surgery.'

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