Chapter 35

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It took a moment for what Maddie had said to sink in but after it had, Bonham was the first one to the door after her. 'I heard something banging in the barn while I was with Bel and Dakota-' She explained to him as they hurried over to the barn. 'Chopper's cast, Skylar, Ace, Bonny, Blue and Inka all look like they're colicing. Ace is the worst.' 

They came into the barn, Maddie standing back as Bonham checked each horse over quickly before returning back to Ace's stall. His stallion was really struggling and as he knelt down beside him, he knew there was nothing that could be done. Ace wouldn't last much longer and it was cruel to let him suffer.

The rest of the family came into the barn, Maddie moving aside to let Cordell into the stall to speak with his father. 'It's colic?' Cordell questioned.

Bonham nodded, running his hand down Ace's neck as his stallion began to shiver violently. 'Liam-' He looked up to address his younger son. 'Liam, get on the phone and get the vet out here asap if we're gonna have any chance of saving the others.'

Liam nodded, quickly retreating out of the barn to get service on his phone. 

'Cordell...' He looked back down at his stallion. 'Go get my rifle.'

Maddie's hand came to her mouth as she realized what Bonham meant, Cordell stepping out to go back to the house. 'C-can't we wait for the vet or-or something?'

'He's in pain, Maddie.' Abeline said gently, placing her arm around her shoulders, Stella and August standing with the same look of shock on their faces. 'It's the kindest thing that can be done.'

'What about the others?' Stella questioned. 'Will they be alright?'

'They'll have a chance if the vet can get here in time.' Bonham replied. 'Abby, take the kids inside. We'll take care of this.'

'I'm staying.' Maddie replied decisively as Abeline ushered Stella and August out of the barn. 'Chopper's gonna freak when that rifle goes off. I'll go keep him quiet.'


'I know what I'm doing. It's not the first time I've dealt with a cast horse.'

'Alright.' Bonham turned back to Ace, stroking his neck as the stallion struggled to hold onto life. 'Be careful.' He cautioned with concern. 'Don't get into his kick zone.'

She nodded soberly, lingering for a moment then headed a couple stalls down to where Chopper was stabled. The gelding was still lying on his side as she walked back in and she again carefully moved around him till she was positioned in the safe area behind him. 'It's gonna be alright.'  Chopper was still fighting to get back onto his hooves without any luck though began to quieten down again with her in the stall. 'You're gonna be alright.' She spoke gently to him as she ran her hands over his neck. 'We'll have you up soon.'

They waited.

Footsteps sounded outside the door and she knew her father had returned.

A moment later, the rifle shot came.

Chopper struggled, Maddie quietening him and calming him as tears welled in her eyes. 


Hearing footsteps approaching she quickly dried her eyes and returned her attention to Chopper as Bonham, Cordell and Liam came to the doorway. 

'The vet will be here in an hour.' Bonham remarked as he joined her beside Chopper, taking stock of the situation. 'We gotta get this guy back up. Liam-'

'I know the drill.' Liam replied. 'I'll be back in a moment.'

Cordell stepped into the stall as Liam left to go get what they needed and picked up the gelding's feed bucket. In the bottom there was still a couple handfuls of grain and he frowned as he picked some up, smelling it. Mold... 

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