Chapter 51

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*TW for a little cancer talk*

Bel was grazing beneath one of the oak trees in her pasture as Maddie led Dakota down towards her, the mustang lifting her head at the sound of the gate being opened. With a whinny Bel cantered towards them, Maddie laughing softly as the two mustangs reunited. 'Don't I get a hello?' She questioned with a chuckle as the two mares blew into each other's nostrils, making soft grunting sounds at each other then after a moment they both settled down once more. 'Hey big girl.' Maddie smiled as she gave Bel a pat. 'Did you miss me darlin?'

She lingered with them both for a moment then turned Dakota loose, both mustangs taking off across the pasture kicking and bucking with glee. She chuckled softly as she watched them play for a moment, Dakota obviously happy to be home. She was happy to be home too. Though she had enjoyed being at the competition it was so nice to return home and have things get back to normal.

Almost normal, that was.

She liked living in almost.

Surgery was only a couple days away now and with the competition being over and no longer having that to serve as a distraction she had no choice but to face the fact of her surgery and everything that would come after it. One thing was for sure though. It wasn't going to be an easy or particularly pleasant journey.

Maddie stayed until Bel and Dakota calmed down, the mares settling to graze in shade nearby. Grabbing her phone out she snapped a photo to upload to her page then headed back up towards the main barn. Her father and Mika most likely had Blossom and Picasso off the float by now and as she walked up the aisle, Cordell was leading the buckskin mare to a stall. 

'Dakota settling in again?' He questioned upon her joining him, turning the mare loose into the stall next to Bel's.

'Yeah, she and Bel had their playtime. Now they're grazing.' She replied as he closed the door behind him. 'Thanks for giving us a hand Dad, it being your day off and all.'

Cordell smiled at her. 'Not a problem sweetheart. I-I've got some things to do so... I'll come back to pick you up at around four?'

'Sure. Sounds good to me.'

'Alright. See you then.'

'Bye Dad.' Maddie called after him as he headed back out of the barn again. 'Love you.'

'Love you too.'

She turned back to Blossom after her father had left, the little buckskin taking a moment to have a good look around her stall. 'Welcome to your new home...' She said to her when the mare came back over to the door to her. 'What do you think? Like it here?'

'Oh, she's going to love it here.' Mika remarked as she led her paint gelding by on their way to his stall. 'Just like this guy will.'

'I'm so glad you were able to buy him.' Maddie replied, leaning against the stall wall as her friend led the gelding into the box beside Blossom. 'You two were made for each other.'

The gelding began to nibble at her hair as she un-haltered him and she chuckled, giving him a pat for a moment. 'Yeah. Still can't believe it actually. My own horse.'

'I felt exactly the same way too when my Grampa gave me my first horse.' She said as Mika walked out of the stall again and closed the door behind her. 'I was on cloud nine for days.'

She chuckled, hanging up the halter and lead rope. 'Guess we'd better get the rest of the gear unloaded then. What time is Rose's parents bringing her by?'

'Ummm-' With a quick glance at her watch she checked the time. 'They'll be here in about an hour or so.'

'Right.' Mika nodded. 'Guess we'll get the gear unloaded and get Blossom ready after in that case.'

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