Chapter 25

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'Alright, everybody out.' Cordell exclaimed as he brought the truck to a stop at the campsite, glancing back in the mirror at Maddie. 'Wakey wakey sleeping beauty.'

'Oh....' She yawned softly as she woke up, a slight headache still lingering on even after her nap. 'We're here.'

'Welcome to the remote Muleshoe Bend Recreation Park.' August said in his David Attenborough imitated voice, unclipping his seat-belt. 'Home to thousands of mountain lions, not to mention the occasional alligator, rattlesnakes-'

'August.' Stella interrupted as she climbed out of the truck. 'Judging by recent events, that's probably not a very good joke.'

'Population; us.' He finished.

'Comforting August.' Maddie said with a sigh. It was her first time she'd actually been camping and though she tried to hide it, she was rather nervous about spending the next couple days out in the wilderness and away from civilization. 'Very reassuring.' 

'Don't tease your sister Augie.' Cordell reprimanded as he stepped from the driver's side, closing the door after him. 'Maddie, don't listen to him. There haven't been any cougars spotted in this part of the park for weeks and as long as we're careful, we shouldn't run into any rattlesnakes.'

'I sure hope we don't...' She said as she climbed out of the vehicle and stretched, her muscles aching and protesting from having been sitting still for so long. 'Really really don't want to have to do CPR again in the near future.' Looking out over the lake she yawned softly again. 'So, what's first?'

'Sure be nice to go for a dip-'

'Before any of you get any brilliant ideas of running down to the lake for a swim, we have a tent to put up.' Cordell said, dashing any hopes August had of getting out of work. 'Camp set up first, then swim.'

'Yes sir.'

'In that case then-' Stella took charge of the situation. 'Dad, since you are so bad at setting up a tent, why don't you and August go find the firewood and Maddie and I'll take care of setting up camp. That's okay Madds?'

She shrugged. 'That's fine by me sis.'

'Right.' Their father went looking through the back of the truck for a moment and found an ax then tossed Stella the keys for the truck. 'Firewood it is.'

'Have fun girls.' August waved as he and Cordell headed off towards the trees. 'I expect to see a five star resort when we get back.'

'In your dreams Augie.' Stella replied. 'In your dreams.' 

'So-' Maddie said, turning to Stella after their father and brother had left. 'I've got absolutely no idea what I'm doing...'

Stella chuckled and handed her a bag with a tarp that they'd put on the ground to protect the floor of the tent. 'It's not that hard. Believe me. First we'll make sure there's no sticks or rocks on the ground and get the tent set up-' She went looking through the items in the back again until she'd located the first part of the tent. 'and that's the hardest part done.'

'Alright...' By the tone she used to reply, Maddie was hardly convinced. When Stella had handed her a couple other things and she herself had gotten what they needed they left the parking area and headed down to the camping area. It was only a short walk from the truck, tucked away in a little clearing. They were the only people there as the campground they'd chosen was in one of the more remote places in the park. 'It's so quiet and peaceful here.' She mentioned as she placed her items down on the ground and breathed in deep of the clean air. 'So beautiful.'

'It is.' Stella agreed. 'This was one of mom's favorite camping spots for this very reason.'

'I thought your mom didn't like camping too much.' 

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