Chapter 3

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'Maddie... Maddie it's time to get up.'

Maddie groaned, pulling the blankets over her head. 'Let me sleep...' She mumbled to Cordell, not amused that her dream had been interrupted. She'd been riding a beautiful palomino horse on a beach...

'Maddie-' He placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. 'we-we need to get moving if we're gonna make it to the auction.'

Her eyes flew open.

That was right. It was Sunday. Cordell and her were heading to the horse auction in Bowie.

Cordell chuckled as the teen hastily kicked off her covers, her kitten most annoyed by the disturbance. 'Five minutes to get ready, we'll grab breakfast on the way.'

'I'll be ready in two.' She promised as she went to her closet, Cordell heading back out to let her change. Quickly she slipped out of her pajamas into more suitable attire, dark blue jeans and a light pink western shirt. Her brown hair was hastily brushed and pulled back into a ponytail then slipping her good boots on, she was ready.

The envelope with her horse fund savings went into her small handbag along with her phone and she slung it on her shoulder as she headed for the door. On her way out she grabbed her good hat from the hat rack beside the door, quietly stepping out into the hallway.

'Ready?' Cordell questioned in a whisper, hoping they didn't wake his parents or Liam.

She nodded. 'All set.'

'Where's your jacket? You're gonna need it... It's freezing outside.'

'Damn...' She disappeared back inside her room, emerging a moment later with her jacket. 'Now I think I'm ready.'

'You-you got your money?'

Maddie patted her handbag. 'Right here.'

'Good, think that's everything then...' He did a mental check that he had everything as they started for the door, grabbing his hat off the tack as they walked past. The cold morning air hit them when he opened the door, it was so early the sun wasn't even up yet.

Maddie shivered despite wearing her jacket, hurrying ahead to the waiting truck. Much to her relief the heater was already turned on high as she climbed in. It wasn't long before Cordell joined her, the two of them on their way to the auction a moment later. She yawned tiredly as they drove out the gate, Cordell chuckling.

'Someone's still tired.' He remarked.

'Yeah... I should have brought my pillow.' She said, wishing she had thought ahead.

Reaching behind his seat he grabbed his jacket he'd taken off before getting in the truck. 'Here, use this.'

'Thanks.' Maddie smiled and rolled it up, placing it against the window. 'Wake me up when we stop for breakfast...' She mumbled, closing her eyes again.

Cordell glanced over at her as she settled down to sleep once more, a slight smile touching his lips. Maddie was exhausted and with the day she had the day before, it wasn't any surprise. His conscience reminded him about what had occurred yesterday morning and he made a mental note to himself to speak with Maddie and make sure they were okay. If there was one thing that Maddie was good at, it was hiding how she felt and it made parenting her a hell of a lot harder than it was with Stella and August. He'd only known her a short while and was still trying to figure out how exactly to parent her. Yesterday's slip up though sure wouldn't have done any good.

When Maddie started to mumble in her sleep he looked over for a moment and guessed that she was having a nightmare. Something we have in common... He thought as she began to move about then woke quickly, trying to catch her breath. 'Nightmare?'

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