Chapter 31

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Here we are at Rose's introduction 😊
For those of you wondering what she looks like, here she is again

Rose's storyline doesn't end here at the end of the chapter, she will be back later on in the story and things here tie in with things later on.
No more spoilers though lol, y'all will just have to wait and see how things will play out.


And as always, drop a comment or two. I appreciate it. I really do.

And thanks to TheDuelingRose for all your comments. If you guys haven't found her Walker fanfiction already, go check it out. It's awesome!

Anyway, no more jabbering.

Enjoy the update!


The campground parking area was already a hive of activity as they pulled in, Maddie glancing around and taking it all in. There were guys with ATV's and trail bikes, a ton of walking searchers in their high visibility vests, horses tied up to trailers being tacked up to carry on the mounted search, three dog teams and a helicopter was already in the air circling the area.

No resource was being spared in their effort to find the missing child. 

It was going on the fourth day that the girl had been missing out in the park, having vanished without a trace. 

After parking at the end of the line of trailers, Cordell turned to Maddie. 'Get Bel ready to go, I'll go speak with James and get our search coordinates.'

She nodded as she opened the door and after her father had helped her unload Bel out of the trailer, he disappeared amongst the crowd to find the Captain.

Bel watched what was going on around her with interest, the mare standing quietly but with her ears pricked and the occasional snort from time to time. She could tell something was going on and was excited but with a gentle word and a few pats she began to settle down.

After carrying out a thorough grooming Maddie began tacking her up, starting with her saddle first. The saddle pad went on first then the saddle followed and once it was secured in place she started with the bridle. She'd just finished bridling the mare when her father returned wearing a high-vis vest like the rest of the searchers and with a couple radios in hand.

'You'll be teamed up with Cassie and I.' Cordell said as he stopped beside her, Maddie placing the reins over her mare's neck before turning back to him. 'We've been given this area here to search.' He had brought a map out from a pocket and showed her their grid. 'It's too much for the dog teams to cover.'

She looked over the grid then nodded. 'If Rose is in there, Bel will find her.' She replied confidently. 

'I hope she does.' Cordell looked back over to where Captain James stood with the grandfather and parents of the missing child. 'Her Grandfather is the former Captain of the Texas Rangers and he's putting the heat onto all of us...'

Both her eyebrows raised. She hadn't really paid too much attention to what the news had been saying and she might have heard that before but if she had, she hadn't remembered it. 'I didn't know that. So...' It made sense now why there were so many resources being put into the search, more than would be usual for a search of this kind. 'That's why there's so many people here.'

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