Chapter 19

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'Come on Maddie, get a move on-'

'Coming Grampa! Coming!' Maddie shouted as she struggled to do the zipper up on her small suitcase. 'Just give me another five minutes!'

Bonham could be heard grumbling softly, something about women always taking their time and she chuckled softly as she finally won the war with her suitcase. Saturday had arrived and with it, mustang pickup the next day. Originally it was to be Abeline taking her to Fort Worth to pick up her mustang but with her being in hospital (and still too unwell to take her up even if she had been discharged) Bonham was making the trip with her instead. 

The past few days had been emotionally draining, Maddie still dealing with the aftermath of the events that had taken place earlier that week. Abeline was in a better way and doing well but she wouldn't be discharged for a few more days yet. She was still very weakened from the whole ordeal though very grateful to be alive. 

It had been too close.


'Yes, yes Grampa!' She shouted back, slapping her good hat onto her head before she carried her luggage out of the room. 'Okay, I'm ready.'

Bonham looked at what she was carrying and raised an eyebrow. 'I didn't realize we needed to take the kitchen sink. You do realize we're only going to be gone for one night, right?'

'I got clothes in one suitcase, my weighted blanket and a few other things in the other.'

'Do you really need your pillow too? They're gonna have some at the motel.'

She looked at him. 'Yes Grampa. I do. I intend on catching up on lost sleep while we're driving.'

'Here, give me that.' She gratefully accepted the help as she was close to dropping everything and he took her pillow and one of the suitcases. 'Come on then, you want to see Mawline before we go right?'

She nodded. 'Will we be able to find a parking spot with the trailer on though?'

'We'll make do.' He assured her as they headed through the living room. August was seated on the couch with his laptop on his lap, listening to music as Stella worked on her homework. 'Don't throw a party while I'm gone.' He warned the pair of them. 'I expect to find this ranch exactly the same way as I'm leaving it.'

'I think we learned our lesson from last time.' Stella replied. They still had a couple weeks to go with the punishments Cordell had given them for their party. 'We'll make sure things are the way you like it while you're gone.'

'Good just make sure you do.'

'You're okay with my instructions for Bel and Bubbles?' Maddie questioned and August pulled off his headphones.

'Feed and water Bubbles, clean out her litter tray.' He repeated back to her. 'I've got it. Don't worry about her-' The cat was curled up beside him, fast asleep. 'Bubbles and I will get along wonderfully while you're gone.'

She turned to Stella. 'And Bel-'

'Muck out shelter and pen, feed and water twice a day. Full hay net morning and night. Two dippers of pellets and cubes mixed in water with a scoop of each of her supplements and flax seeds. Straighten rugs and give lots of pats.'

'Brilliant. Now if there's any problems-'

'There won't be.' She assured her. 'Don't worry about it. Augie and I've got it.'

'Where have I heard that before?' Bonham wondered out loud.

Stella sighed heavily. 'You aren't going to let us forget that, are you?'

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