Chapter 38

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Mika's introduction chapter you guys! Hope y'all enjoy her character, she gets to stick around for awhile 😊

Again, TW for dealing with after effects of self harming.

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!



The ride from Walker Ranch to Briar Ridge passed by in silence, Maddie staring blankly out the window at the passing scenery as Liam drove Bel and Dakota to their new home. As the equestrian center came into view, Maddie began to show a little interest, looking up as they turned into the drive. 'Fancy...' She remarked with raised eyebrows. 'This place sure doesn't look like your average trail barn.'

Liam chuckled a little. 'Nina would take major offense if she heard you call this place a trail barn.'

'What kind of place is this anyway?'

'Showing, show jumping, dressage.' 

Sleek and well groomed thoroughbreds were grazing in the pasture on her left, a few warm-blood weanlings running around on their right. It was defiantly a far cry from their ranch, where she had felt at home. 'Sure don't look like there are any cows around...' 

'She was good enough to offer full agistment at half the price to Mom since they go way back so you would do well not to ruffle any feathers here.'

'Well... I'll keep that in mind.'  

As Liam brought the truck to a stop in the parking lot, a gray haired woman with a walking stick came over to them with a girl about Maddie's age accompanying her. 'Mrs. Duviack.' He said as he climbed out of the truck. 'Been a long time.'

'That is has been, Liam,' She smiled, shaking his hand. 'you've grown since I last saw you.'

He chuckled. 'I should hope so, seeing as I was only ten at the time.' 

'And how many times did I tell you to call me Nina? Mrs. Duviack makes me sound so ancient.'

'All right, Nina.' He smiled. 'I can't thank you enough for taking Maddie's horses on at such short notice.'

'My pleasure Liam. I'm sorry to hear about what's happened.' A young girl with reddish-brown hair came around the truck and stopped beside him, Liam placing his arm around her shoulder. 
'You must be Maddie.' She said with a smile.

'Yes ma'am.' Maddie offered a timid smile back. 'Like Uncle Liam said, we're very grateful to you for this.'

'Don't mention it, I'm happy I was able to help.' Nina motioned at the girl beside her. 'This is Mika, one of the stable girls here. She'll be able to give you a tour around the place and help get your horses settled in while Liam and I go over some paperwork. Mika, you've got things under control here?'

Mika nodded. 'Yes ma'am.' 

'Very good. I hope you like it here Maddie.'

'Thank you, I'm sure I will.'

Liam and Nina headed towards a large house, Maddie turning her attention back to the trailer as one of her horses began to paw the floor. 'Sounds like Bel's eager to get off there.'

'Let's get her off then.' Mika went to the other side of the trailer, the two of them lowering the tailgate together. 

Maddie had guessed right that it was Bel putting up a fuss. 'I'll back Dakota off first and hand her to you, Bel can be a bit antsy around new people.' Mika nodded and waited for her to give her the all clear before bringing the bum bar across and carefully, Dakota was backed off the float. 'Good girl.' She gave her a pat once they were standing on solid ground, her little mustang looking around with a quiet but curious glance. After making sure she was calm she motioned for Mika to come take her.

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