Chapter 70

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They were lucky.

They had both been so damn lucky.

Maddie had been discharged from hospital later Saturday night, a nice seven stitches in her arm and both her hands wrapped up in bandages. In addition to the cut and the rope burn she'd gotten out of the situation rather lightly compared to Colton, albeit a bit more sore and bruised then she cared to admit. Bed had never felt better to her that night; she had fallen asleep even before her head had hit the pillow when Cordell had taken her up to tuck her in. It had been a long, very long and very hard day.

It was past eleven the next morning before Maddie woke, waking to her phone having blown up with messages overnight while she had been asleep. The first one she opened though was from Denise, Colton's mother giving her an update on how he was. He was home now, having been discharged from the hospital earlier that morning though still being kept under close observation. Upon learning he was home she was very relieved and quickly texted Denise back to thank her for letting her know. Colton was going to be okay even though he would be feeling pretty sore for a little while.

The next few days Maddie spent taking things easy, under the careful watch of her grandparents. Both Bonham and Abeline were fussing over her and though it began to get on her nerves just a little bit she knew it was only because they cared about her. It had been close, too close. Things could have ended a lot worse than they had.

Mika was the first one to come see her, dropping in Monday evening after work. To her relief, Mika reported that Dakota was doing just fine. With her grandparents wishing for her to stay home for a few days to rest, she had spoken to Mika about Elizabeth and asked if she could take over helping her while she couldn't. While Mika hadn't been too excited about that idea she had agreed. Elizabeth hadn't been keen on the idea either when Maddie told her what had been arranged but after some persuasion, agreed to work with her.

It was a chance for them to begin putting things behind them.

Jenny brought Rose by Wednesday afternoon and brought the two rabbits along as well in hopes of lifting Maddie's spirits. Rose worked her usual charm and by the time she had left, Maddie was feeling a lot happier and better. Rose was a real sweetheart, there was no denying that. They had a bond between the two of them. Maddie had always wanted a little sister when she was growing up and in Rose she had found that.

It was the weekend again before she knew it, her folks finally not so concerned about her after her being given the all clear at her doctor's appointment on Friday. Her hands were healing up nicely and the stitches in her arm would be taken out later on in the new week. With them saying she was fine, Maddie begged her grandparents to let her head out Saturday morning. With being cooped up inside the house for the week she really wanted to get out and rather begrudgingly, they agreed to let her go see Colton.


'Morning Geri, Maddie.' Dan greeted, walking down to meet them as Geri helped the girl move from the car to her chair. 'How are you going?'

'I'm doing okay.' Maddie replied with a smile. 'Sure a lot better than how I was last week.'

'Good, that's good to hear. Colt ah-he-he was still asleep when I checked on him.'

'That's alright, no problem.' She looked up at Geri. 'Thanks for bringing me by, Aunt Geri.'

'My pleasure.' Geri smiled, handing Maddie her bag from the car with her things. 'Just give me a call when you're ready to go and I'll come pick you up.'

Maddie nodded. 'Will do. I'll uh... I'll just see myself inside then.'

Leaving the two of them to talk she made her way up the sidewalk to the house, letting herself through the back door into the kitchen. The house was still and quiet as she wheeled herself over to the fridge, taking a moment to see what there was inside with which she could make Colton breakfast. There were eggs and a few other bits and pieces and she decided that there was enough to be able to make him a decent omelet.

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