Chapter 64

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Hi all!
Apologies for the irregular updating the past couple weeks, I was on holiday and without working internet 99% of the time, so, apologies!
I'm attempting to bring this story to a conclusion quite soon, I'm very eager to get into the story-line of S3 so I'm trying to finish this one ASAP. I'm currently writing Chapter 70, which is the episode A Matter Of Miles. I'm hoping to finish writing both that episode and the final one in the next couple of weeks.

This brings me to the third story in this series, Walker: Surrender. I've got some interesting story-lines cooking up for it but it might take a few weeks between me ending this story and beginning to upload the rest. However, we will just see how I go.

Thank you to each of you who are continuing to read this story. Wattpad tells me I have 55 active readers of this story and I just want you all to know that you guys are special to me. Thank you for taking the time out of your days and lives to read my little piece of Walker fan-fiction. It means more to me then you guys will ever know. Writing this story has helped me get through some pretty tough times in my life (especially mentally) and it warms my heart to know I have 55 people out there across the world who are enjoying this story.

Alright, that's enough. My anxiety is making me all sentimental today. As always, vote and comment. Please! It keeps me going and writing 🤣. Seriously though, I appreciate every vote and comment.

Here we go.

Chapter 64


It was late in the afternoon when Stella came to pick Maddie up, another stable hand tending to Dakota after her ride since Maddie really had to get going. The ride had taken longer then she'd expected but Elizabeth needed to talk and she was willing to listen. While Maddie was sorry that things between her and Mika now were strained because of her inviting her along on the ride she was glad for the chance to be able to speak with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth had a lot of problems and Maddie felt sorry for her. She really did. She'd opened up to her about her family and a few other things and it made sense now why she was the way she was. That didn't excuse her behavior though but it did seem like Elizabeth was genuinely remorseful for how she had been towards her. It would be interesting though to see how she was from here on out. Was she genuine or would this be a passing phase when she wasn't at rock bottom any more?

Maddie decided she'd just have to wait and find out.

After a quick shower she vacated the bathroom to let the others get ready for their 'dinner' (which was the excuse that Stella and August had come up with to get their grandparents dressed up and in the car) and was pondering over things as she fixed up her hair.

'You seem deep in thought.' Stella remarked as she came in, throwing her previous change of clothes and her towel onto her bed before joining her sister in front of the dresser mirror.

'Yeah... Just thinkin.'

'Oh? That's a potentially dangerous activity.' Maddie nudged her playfully in the ribs for that and she laughed. 

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