Chapter 11

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Heya all!

I'm back!

Managed to write up 4 chapters this week bringing the chapter total for this story to 18 so far so I thought I'd drop y'all another chapter now!

With my course completed I hope to have more time to write again (before I start studying the diploma in a few months) and of course, updating regularly.

As always, thank you to those of you who take the time to comment. Your feedback is so valuable and encourages me to keep writing.



Dead silence followed as Bonham and Abeline walked onto the lawn then a flurry of commotion as the teenagers bolted. 

Stella and August looked at each other.

Maddie held her throbbing arm close to her chest, taking refuge behind the two Walker kids.

'Don't trip and fall and break your necks.' Abeline called out as the teenagers bolted to the cars parked in the drive.

'Mind explaining what the hell is going on here?' Bonham questioned, looking at the three teenagers as their 'friends' quickly deserted them. 'Anyone?'

'I had nothing to do with this at all.' Maddie quickly interjected. 'Just want to make that clear. Go ahead you two. It was your idea.'

They both glared at her.

Maddie returned it with a dirty look of her own.

Bonham folded his arms across his chest and cleared his throat. 'Well? I'm waiting.'

'I... um...' Stella gulped uncomfortably, fiddling with the ring she was wearing on her finger. 'We kinda had some friends over for a party.'

'I can see that.' Rubbish littered the lawn, not to mention the keg and empty bottles of booze strewn about. 'You know, Trey told me today so many things about you two that made me proud. Seeing what you've managed to do to this ranch in mere hours... Well... I don't feel so proud right now.'

Both Stella and August were silent.

'I told them it was a bad idea.' Maddie spoke up after a moment. 'But they wouldn't listen to me.'

He turned to her, taking a moment to look her up and down. 'And just what happened to you, young lady?'

'Could we perhaps talk about that on the way to the ER?' She held up a bloodied arm, her wound having bled through the bandage a bit. Probably didn't help that she'd been using it to block punches in a fist fight... 'I think this is gonna need stitches.'

Bonham was speechless, shaking his head and he turned away before he really lost his temper.

'This isn't going to slide, you two.' Abeline took over, pointing a finger at both of them. 'You can explain what has happened here to your father, I'm sure he will have plenty to say. First though, both of you can come pick up the fishing gear from the truck and put the fish away. Then you both can clean up this mess. I want this place to be spotless by the time we get back. Understood?' They both nodded. 'Good. I hope you both can manage to do that without creating more chaos. You've earned yourselves a month of mucking out the stables for letting your friends run amok. Hope it was worth it. I'm sure too that your father will give out his own punishments for this.' 

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