Chapter 74

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The house was abuzz with activity Monday morning, the family gathered around in the kitchen and dining room as Abeline prepared breakfast for them all. Maddie, stuck on toast duty, hummed a little song as she buttered up the toast August handed her as it came out of the toaster.

'So, any big plans for you today?' August questioned, placing the last two pieces of bread from the loaf into the toaster.

'I'll probably hit the stables later, I don't know.' Maddie replied as she stifled a yawn. 'Don't know if I'm gonna be feeling up to it. Rose wanted me to give her a lesson this afternoon but I don't know...' This time she couldn't stop herself from yawning, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. 'Excuse me.'

Abeline glanced over at her. 'Didn't get much sleep last night?'

She shook her head. 'Nope. Stella-' She looked over at her sister as she joined them in the kitchen. 'Was sleep talking again.'

'I was not.'

'Was too.'


'Okay, okay, enough you two.' Abeline chuckled. 'Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be back in separate rooms again soon.'

'That'd be great, I'm definitely over bunking with Dad and Uncle Liam.' August said as he waited for the toast. 'Gramps had some luck then finding somewhere else?'

'Maybe. We'll see.'

'Any place that has more than three bedrooms would feel like a castle about now.' Maddie interjected. 'As long as I get a room far, far away from Stells I'll be happy.'

'Well-' Stella started as she looked around for something she could help with. 'Just think, in a few months I'll be gone to college and you won't have to put up with my sleep talking anymore.'


'Yeah, what she said.' August agreed.

Stella shook her head with amusement at her younger siblings. 'You two are impossible. Want me to start setting the table Mawline?'

'Ah yeah. You can start with the glasses if you'd like. August, if you're done helping Maddie with the toast, can you get started with taking these down to the table?'

'Sure.' Taking the last of the toast from the toaster he handed it to Maddie then began taking the food over to the table.

It was upon this scene that Cordell walked in on, buttoning up his shirt cuffs as he entered the room. 'Oh, Mama, that smells good.'

Abeline smiled at her son's compliment. 'Thank you.'

'Amazing.' Grabbing himself a mug to get himself some coffee he looked over at Stella, winking at her as she took down a couple more glasses from the cupboard. 'Morning.'

'Morning Dad.' Stella chuckled.

'Maddie, Augie.'

Maddie smiled as Cordell gave her a kiss on the cheek. 'Good morning.'

'Oh look-' Cordell commented as August walked past carrying a plate of blueberry pancakes to the table. 'Blueberry pancakes. What's the occasion?'

'As if you don't know.' Stella teased him, taking the glasses to the table.

'You ready for the toast to go down?' August questioned Maddie as he returned to the island bench.

'Ah, yeah, sure.' Maddie handed the plate to him. 'Have at it.'

Bonham joined them in the kitchen, taking a spot next to Abeline at the stove as he looked at the store bought eggs on the bench. 'Oh, man. I never knew how attached I was to our own damn chickens.'

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