Chapter 67

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Sooooo..... We are finally up to episode 18, Season 2! Search and Rescue.
I have a couple things to say here. First, that episode was amazing but the biggest let down was the rescue scene. Seriously, they should have used one of those rescue stretchers and not a harness to get Colton into the helicopter. Check one for this rewrite, make the rescue realistic!
I diverge from the episode plenty here but the general gist of it stays. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!


Thursday morning found Liam and Maddie at the Austin airport, waiting to meet Bonham and Abeline's flight. Maddie was definitely excited that they were coming back and while she was glad for Geri's help while they had been gone, she had really missed her grandparents. It would be nice to have them back and while Liam was a pretty good cook she was looking forward to Abeline being in the kitchen once more. 

The last couple of days Maddie had taken it easy again, spending the mornings at the stables and the afternoons at home resting. Colton had come by the day before to spend the afternoon after school with her and they had watched a couple movies and played a round of chess. It had been nice spending time with him and he had suggested that they do something over the weekend. She'd agreed but they hadn't settled on what exactly they were going to do yet.

To add to that, she had been thinking over the conversation she'd overheard between her father and Uncle. Her Dad was right. What if the Davidson's had cheated? Pondering over the points he had raised about the feed and the horses getting sick then the saddle breaking on her during the race, she came to the same conclusion. There were just too many coincidences. 

If they had cheated though, where did that leave them?

Would they be able to get the ranch back?

How did they prove it?

And more importantly, how was it going to affect her and Colton and their budding relationship?


Maddie and Liam walked into the waiting room of the airport, looking around to see if they could see Bonham and Abeline amongst the crowd. Though the waiting room was packed they didn't see them anywhere and the two of them headed over to see when the place would be in.

'Looks like their flight has been delayed.' Liam remarked, seeing the estimated arrival time on the electronic board above. 'Want to go do some browsing in the gift stores?'

'Sure. Beats sitting here waiting.' She replied and they started down to one of the gift stores. 'Oh look-' She commented, bringing her chair to a stop near a stand, picking up a plush pony. 'Isn't this cute?'

He chuckled at the face that Maddie pulled. 'Let me guess... You'd like it?'

She nodded eagerly. 'Please? Pretty please?'

Liam sighed heavily. 'Alright, just don't tell your father. He says I spoil you and your siblings too much as it is.'

'Thanks Uncle Liam. You're the best.'

'Mmhmm. I know.'

Maddie laughed, poking him in the ribs. 'And so modest too.'

'Keep it up and I won't buy you it.' He threatened teasingly then looked at the books on the table. 'Any books catch your eye?'

'Hmmm... Let me have a lookie see...'

A short time later they left the gift store, Maddie's lap a little fuller and Liam's wallet a little emptier. In addition to the plush pony, he'd gotten her a couple books and a puzzle too, saying it was better for her to be reading or doing a puzzle then it was to be on her phone or laptop at home all the time.

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