Chapter 72

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Hi All!

Finally finished this story off, we have four chapters left to go until the end of Season 2. Can't believe this one is finally finished, when I started it I didn't think I'd end up being close to 400k words long. Lol.

Anyway, I will be uploading the remaining chapters over the next couple of weeks.

There may be a break between posting the end of this story and the beginning of the next but it just depends on how much I can get done on the third installment between now and Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to read, vote and comment. I have enjoyed writing this story so much and I'm pleased to see that other people are enjoying my work.

I am doing better mentally now, the first week being off my medication really messed with me but things are starting to improve. Finally. Hoping things will keep getting better from here on.

Anyway, enjoy.

Don't forget to vote and comment.



It was after ten by the time Maddie woke, Stella giving her a hand to get ready before she headed out to spend the day with Todd. Surprisingly, after everything that had happened the night prior, she had actually managed to have a decent sleep. She was tired though, and angry.

Angry that Liam had used her to set up the dinner which he had just used for another confrontation.

Hadn't there already been enough fighting between their families?

Bonham had carried her downstairs a short time later, Abeline preparing some breakfast for her. Alone at the table in the dining room she pushed her food around on her plate, not really having much of an appetite.

'Where's Dad?' She questioned when Abeline returned to the kitchen, beginning to prepare something for lunch.

'He ah-he hasn't come home yet.' She replied, taking some bread out from the cupboard. 'But I'm sure he's just caught up at work.'

Maddie nodded, still pushing around her scrambled eggs.

'You not hungry honey?'

She sighed, placing her fork down on the table. 'Not really.'

'How about I make up some blueberry muffins today?'

That brought a little smile to Maddie's tired face. 'Are you trying to bribe me now Mawline?'

Abeline chuckled at that. 'Perhaps. Is it working?'

'You know if you make them I will eat them.'

'Good. That's settled then.'

Liam came into the kitchen, heading to the bench to get himself some more coffee from the coffee maker. 'Good morning Maddie.'

Maddie glared at him. 'Hmph.'

'What's that for?'

'Have you forgotten about last night already?' She questioned, pushing her plate away from herself.

'Oh... Maddie, I-'

'No, Uncle Liam. For once, I talk, you listen.'

'Maddie-' Abeline went to caution but her granddaughter cut her off.

'Mawline, I love you, but this is between Uncle Liam and I.' Maddie replied firmly then turned back to her uncle. 'You told me that you wanted this dinner to be the start of us putting things in the past with the Davidson's. You said that it was a chance for us to move on.'

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