Chapter 40

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A pillow being thrown at her head was Maddie's start to the day, the teen rolling onto her stomach and pulled her pillow over her head. 'Go away Stella!'

'Come on, wakey wakey.' Stella teased as she came over to Maddie's bed. 'Don't make me tickle you...'

'Ugh... Fine.' She said with a groan, sitting up. 'Why on earth did I ever think that bunking with you was gonna be a good idea?'

'I know, don't you love it sis?'

Maddie rolled her eyes. 'That's one word for it. Should be a crime to be this happy this early in the morning.'

'Early?' Stella raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the clock. 'It's seven thirty Maddie. Oh, come on. Don't tell me the girl who used to start her day at five has found the beautiful thing of sleeping in.'

'That is exactly what I have found. Why I ever got up at five is beyond me.'

'Mmmhmm. Well, while you sit there and ponder that I'm going to go get some breakfast and get my butt to school.'

'Yeah yeah...' Maddie flopped back onto her bed as Stella bounced out the door. 'Five more minutes...'

Though she closed her eyes again, sleep wasn't coming back and she growled, punching her pillow. She'd been having a lovely dream too... Something about sticking prawns inside the curtain rods to stink the house out on the Davidson's? Maybe reading how people had gotten revenge on their ex's before bed wasn't such a good idea after all. 

With sleep evading her she swung her legs over the bed and yawned loudly before she stood. A moment later she remembered that it was Friday. A good enough reason for Stella to be so happy. The weekend. Yay... 

Her clothes were still mostly in suitcases and boxes but after a moment of looking around she managed to find an outfit that would make her appear half sensible for the day. They'd only stayed one night in the motel, Liam having been able to find them an air BnB to rent on Wednesday for them to stay in until they got something more permanent. 

As luck would have it Briar Ridge was only a short twenty minute walk away which was good, the only downside to where they were being the size. It was tiny compared to their ranch house. With only three bedrooms too amongst seven people there wasn't much of a choice but to bunk in with each other. Abeline and Bonham had one room obviously, Cordell, Liam and August having the largest one since there were three of them and she'd been stuck bunking with Stella. 

Bunking with Stella was not something she liked.

Who knew that sisters could be so damn irritating? 

As she stepped out of the room, Bubbles bounded down the stairs in front of her, zipping ahead to the laundry where her food bowl was calling her. 

'Good morning-'

Cordell's greeting was abruptly cut off at the look she shot him and he quickly shut up. 'What's up with your sister?' He asked Stella softly. 'She wake on the wrong side of the bed?'

'I might have thrown a pillow or two to wake her up this morning.' Stella replied with a chuckle. 'Neither of us are enjoying this whole bunking together thing much.'

'That's an understatement.' Maddie shot over her shoulder on her way past. 'Someone was talking in their sleep. Again.' 

Bubbles was already waiting at her feed bowl when she walked in and she fed her before navigating her way back through the ocean of boxes stacked around to the kitchen. 'Any orange juice left?'

'Yeah, there's some left in the fridge.' Abeline replied as she made up their lunches. 'But you need to have something more substantial than just juice. Grab a bowl of cereal or something.'

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