Chapter 18

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The house was cold and empty as Maddie walked in alone. As she flicked a light on she shivered from the cold. It was freezing inside... 

Bubbles, hearing someone enter the house, came running down the hallway to her.

'Hey baby girl...' Maddie picked the cat up, Bubbles showering her in a show of affection amongst loud purring. 'Hey... You hungry?'

Bubbles kept purring and smooching her and she smiled sadly. 'You always try to make me feel better, don't you?' The cat's whiskers tickled her cheek as again she rubbed her head against her face. The smile disappeared as quickly as it had come, her expression sobering once more. God, what a day...

The cat climbed up onto her shoulder as she walked into the kitchen and got her food out of the cupboard before heading into the laundry to top up Bubbles feed bowl. With her cat settled down to eat her dinner she made her way back to her bedroom and gathered her pajamas to go take a shower and get herself ready for bed.

It was just after midnight when she crawled into bed, Bubbles coming into the darkened room to join her but sleep wouldn't come. How could she sleep? Thoughts whirled around her head and what had happened just kept playing over and over in her mind... Not only that, but she was alone. Alone in the big house. 

Her heart began to beat faster and she took a deep breath as she felt a panic attack coming on. You're alright... You're okay... She reassured herself in an attempt to quell the nausea and warmth that had washed over her. You're okay. Don't panic.


She definitely wasn't okay.

Kicking the covers off she grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight, hurrying through the darkened house. She didn't even stop to put shoes on as she went out the back door and made a beeline for the farmhouse. She wasn't okay. She needed her Dad. 

The house was dark as she came to it and she slowed, creeping through the front door. Heading to Cordell's room she knocked softly on the closed door, begging in her mind for him to answer...

'Maddie-' Cordell hardly had a moment to react as the teen fell into his arms in the midst of a panic attack and sobbing mess. 'Oh baby girl...' He held her tight, pressing a kiss to her head. 'It's okay... It's okay sweetheart...' He felt her legs give out beneath her and in one easy motion, picked her up bridal style in his strong arms. 'Hey... hey... I've got you... I've got you honey...'

Nudging the door closed with his foot so they didn't disturb Stella and August, he carried her over to the bed and gently sat her down before sitting down with her. 'Hey.... Hey.... ssssshhhhh. It's okay... It's okay sweetheart.' His heart broke hearing her cries, the teen struggling to breath as he held her. 'Baby girl, baby girl, it's okay. Breath honey. Breath.' 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Cordell, Maddie started to calm down and come out of the panic attack. 


'I'm here honey... I'm here. I got you.' He replied softly. 'It's okay. You're okay...'

'I-I w-was was s-so scared.' She managed to stutter out between abating sobs and trying to catch her breath. 'M-maw-mawline s-stopped-stopped b-breathing. I-I thought s-she was-was g-gonna die.'

'I know... I know honey...' He had spoken to one of the nurses when Maddie had gone with Stella to get something to eat and they relayed to him what they had been told by the paramedics and dispatch about what had happened. 

'I-I was s-so scared.' 

Cordell kissed her head as she kept repeating it over and over, just holding and reassuring her that it would be alright. That everything would be alright. 

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