Chapter 53

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*Tissue warning*
(Sorry, not sorry 🤣)
*Also TW for cancer treatment*

I'm by no means a medical expert but I've tried to keep this story line of Maddie having cancer as accurate as possible. If I am wrong on anything, I apologize. I've done a ton of research before even deciding completely to include this story line to make sure that it is as believable as possible. Cancer is horrible, there is no denying it. I've seen extended family members suffer through it and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

That's all I want to say.

Things will get better, it's just gonna take a few chapters.



Hours passed as the family waited anxiously to receive news of how Maddie's surgery had gone. There wasn't much else they could do but wait, Captain James having told Cordell to take as much time off as he needed and both Stella and August had asked to take the day off school to be there to see her when Maddie's surgery was over. Geri too had cleared her day so that she could be there with the Walkers, hoping to help them in some small way by being there with them.

They were all worried, each and every one of them. 

They shared some stories to pass the time and Geri went down to the cafeteria to bring back lunch for everyone though none of them had much of an appetite. The afternoon came and went, dragging into evening and still there hadn't been any word. Cordell was the most worried out of them and it had taken the combined effort of all of them to try and keep him calm.

Silence had fallen again, Geri looking over at Cordell with concern. It had been hours since Maddie had been taken into surgery and they should have heard some word by now... Her ponderings were interrupted however by her phone vibrating and when she pulled it out to check it, she saw it was from Colton.

Any news of how Maddie is doing? He had asked.

We're still waiting. She texted back. As soon as we hear anything, I'll let you know.

She waited for a moment but he didn't reply and so she returned her phone to her pocket. Cordell was sitting between his two children while Bonham sat with Abeline, his arm around his wife. Liam was on the phone having had to take a call from someone and she was sitting by herself for a moment. What could she do? There wasn't anything that any of them could do except just wait.

Her phone vibrated once more a little while after Liam had taken a seat with her again and she got it out to check who the message was from. It was Gale, asking how Maddie was doing. Again she had nothing to report to her except that they hadn't heard anything yet and then her mother wanted to know how she was doing. She replied back that she was okay and left it at that, her phone being put away once more. It was still weird to think of Gale as her mother but she pushed those thoughts away, choosing instead to keep her focus on the present problems.

'Have you guys heard anything yet?' Mika questioned as she joined them in the waiting room, having come straight from work once her day had finished.

'No...Not-not yet.' Cordell replied to her question. 'We-we're still waiting.'

She nodded in understanding and took a seat in the empty place next to Geri. 'Surely she'd be out of surgery by now.'

'I'm sure we'll hear something soon.' Liam said to her, trying to be as optimistic as possible. 'It can't be much longer now.'

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