Chapter 69

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This is my take on how the rescue should have taken place 🤣 Trey didn't even let Stella give him a report on Colton's condition. That was information that he needed.

Oh well... Television drama 🙄

Enjoy 😊


Night fell, bringing with it a sheer drop in temperature. Maddie shivered as she sat next to Colton, the little light her phone's flashlight shone barely able to compete with the darkness surrounding them. It was cold, so cold, and it was dark. 


She turned back to Colton, attempting to smile as she stroked back his locks off his bloodied forehead. 'I'm here.'

'You're shivering.'

'I'm okay. A little cold doesn't bother me.'

'Don't be stubborn.' He lifted one side of the blanket wearily, inviting her to join him. 'Come on.'

After a moment, Maddie relented and laid down beside him, tucking the thermal blanket around her back. 'Thanks...' She said softly. 

'What are you thinking about?' Colton questioned after a time.

'I'm thinking that after this, me and heights are still not going to get along.'

He chuckled a little at that. 'What? You scared?'

'A little.' Maddie finally admitted. 'Been scared of the dark too for as long as I can remember.' The sound of an owl hooting in the distance sent shivers running up her spine and she reached for her phone, bringing the light over closer. 'I'm sorry. You're the one who's hurt and here I am complaining about being scared of the dark.'

'No, no, it's okay. I'm a little scared too but we're gonna be okay.'

She smiled a little at Colton's attempt to reassure her. 'How are you feeling?'

'Hanging in here. Little better now that the sun's down, light's not hurting my eyes.'

Silence fell again, Maddie looking up at the stars through the canopy of trees above them. 'There's the North star.' She pointed out after a time. 'Dad taught me how to use the stars to find my way if I ever got lost. He told me that if I get lost, look up to the stars. They'll guide the way back home.'

'Maybe you could teach me that sometime.' 

'Maybe when we're not stranded on a mountain ledge.' 


More silence. 

After a short while, Maddie crawled out from beneath the blanket once more, tucking it back around Colton. 

'Where are you going?' He questioned.

'Nowhere. The ground just isn't very comfortable.' 

'Tell me about it.'

'I know.' She replied softly. 'They're on their way. Just a little while longer, okay?'

Colton looked up at her as she looked around them again, a coyote calling out somewhere in the darkness. 'Most memorable first date ever.'

Maddie chuckled a little at that, turning back to her boy friend. 'I think your memory is going to be a little spotty on this one.'

In the distance, the sound of a helicopter could be heard.

'You hear that?' She asked, looking around to see if she could spot the helicopter's lights.

'Yeah, I hear it. They sure took their time in coming.'

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