Chapter 30

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Maddie was brushing Bel down after having given the mare a good workout, humming away softly as she worked. A couple days had passed since Cassie's little visit out to the ranch and Cordell's birthday party was only a few days away. With Abeline's help, she'd finally managed to put together a decent song for Cordell and having that done was a huge load off her shoulders. 

'All right my girl...' She finished grooming her and placed a light cotton turnout rug onto her back, fastening it in place and while she did so, saw Stella coming over to her out of the corner of her eye. 'Hey sis.'

'Hey.' Stella replied. 'Mawline said you wanted to see me?'

'Ah yep. Just wanted to check in with the Walker party planner about how things are going with Dad's surprise.'

'Don't you worry.' She chuckled softly. 'I have it all under control.'

'You don't need help with anything? I mean, I want this to be perfect-'

Stella shook her head. 'Everything is handled. Believe me. The only thing that hasn't been sorted out is our little item for Dad.'

'Correction.' Maddie buckled up the neck rug and belly straps then untied the mare and turned her loose into the paddock. Bel ambled off to join Dakota grazing a little ways away and she hung the halter and lead rope up on the gate before walking out. 'Mawline and I finished it off this morning. It's up at the house. I think it's pretty good but I'll get your opinion too.'

'I'm probably not the best person to be asking advice from about songwriting.' She replied as they started up to the house, Maddie beginning to rub her temples again. 'You okay?'

'Yeah, just another headache. I'm fine.'

'You've been having a lot of those lately.' Stella frowned. 'You only had one yesterday-'

'I slept wonky last night, gave myself a crook neck.' Maddie brushed off her concern. 'Have you invited Cassie along to the party?'

'I hadn't even thought about that to be honest with everything else-'

'Don't stress. I'll give her a call later and invite her.'

'Alright.' Stella nodded. 'So... I've noticed Colton has been dropping by a bit more.' She started after a moment. 'Something going on there between you two?'

Her cheeks warmed a little. 'M-maybe... I don't know. We're just friends at the moment but there could be something there.'

'I knew it!' Stella exclaimed with a laugh. 'So, when will you two make it official?'

'Stella...' Maddie sighed heavily. 'I honestly don't know if this is even a good idea. I mean, with everything going on between our families lately... Gale came to see Mawline the other day and when she left, she didn't look happy. Neither did Mawline for that matter. But enough of that. What about you and Todd?'

She smiled. 'Yeah. We're going out together.'

'That's great! Now we just need to find someone for August...'

'He's been talking to Faye but I don't think that'll go anywhere.' Stella opened the back door, holding it open for Maddie to walk through after her. 'Time will tell I guess.'

'Mmmhmm.' Maddie closed the door then as the smell of fresh baked sticky buns reached her nose, she smiled. 'Smells like there's something good cooking.'

'I wondered how long it would take for you to come in when you smelled what's in the oven.' Abeline remarked as Stella and Maddie came into the kitchen. 'They'll be another ten to fifteen minutes.'

'I guess I can wait that long.' Maddie replied. 'Dad home?'

'Not yet.'

'Good. We can get some practice in with that song before he does then.' She turned to Stella. 'You okay with that?'

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