Chapter 14

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'Morning Bel-' Maddie started as she walked up to the mare's yard, chuckling softly as the mare trotted over to the gate to meet her. 'Hey, hello...' Bel was begging for pats and a wide grin was on her face as she gave the mare what she asked for. 'Well, aren't you just the friendly one this morning?' She questioned with a laugh. 'Hey? You miss me or something?' 

Bell knickered softly, nudging her coat pocket.

The girl laughed again as she reached inside and pulled out a sugar cube then held it out to the horse. 'Yeah, yeah. That's all you wanted hey? Just want the treat girl...' Bel quickly devoured the sugar cube then began to nudge her for more. Gently she pushed her muzzle away. 'No more, you know the deal.'

Moving her back from the gate so she could enter the yard she headed in and started her morning chores. Bel was right with her, watching her every move as she mucked out the shelter and replaced the sodden straw and topped up her water. Her feed trough and hay net however she left empty since she was going to do some more work with the mare before feeding her.

Heading into the tack room adjoined to the shelter she soon returned with what she needed, placing the items down beside the fence when her phone began to vibrate. She smiled as she saw it was Colton and quickly answered the call. 'Hey Colton.'

'Hey Maddie. I haven't got you at a bad time, have I?'

'No, no. I've just finished with morning chores. What's up?'

'It's Rocky.' Colton explained. 'Looks like he's injured himself somehow. Would you have time to come take a look? Grandma had to go out of town and I'm looking after the horses by myself... I tried contacting the vet but they're too busy and won't be able to come out for a few hours.'

Bel came over to her again and nudged her pockets once more, Maddie pushing her gently away. 'I can come take a look now if you want.'

'That'd be great. I'll come pick you up now. See you soon.'

'Bye.' She hung the call up and returned her phone to her pocket. 'Sorry girl, we'll have to do our session a little later.' She apologized, giving the mare a rub on the neck. 'I'll be back soon.'

After heading to the barn to grab some first aid supplies she headed into the house to grab a quick drink while she waited for Colton. With Christmas being only a couple days ago most of the Christmas decorations were still up. 

'You were quick with training Bel this morning.' Abeline remarked as Maddie walked into the kitchen. 'How'd she go?'

'Haven't done anything with her yet.' She replied, pulling a cup out of the cupboard. 'Colton just rang, Rocky hurt himself so I'm going to go over and take a look. That's okay, right? I just realized I should have asked you first...'

'It's fine.' She assured her. 'You don't want any extra help?'

'I'll see how bad Rocky is first and if I need help, I'll let you know.' Going over to the sink her Grandma moved aside to let her reach the tap. 'Dad around?'

Abeline shook her head, adding another dish into the drying rack. 'He got called into work a little while ago.'

'Do you know when he'll be back?'

'No idea.' She glanced down at her. 'I haven't heard you practicing for the Eisteddfod the last couple of days.'

'Um.... You kinda need two people to do a duet and considering August is out of action...' She sighed as she placed the empty cup with the rest of the washing up. 'There's always next year.'

'I was having a look over his part this morning,' Abeline continued. 'Doesn't look too difficult.'

Maddie raised an eyebrow. 'You play piano?'

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