Chapter 26

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The day of the incident was in Shen Muchuan's private villa. At that time, he organized a business party and drank a little alcohol.

Then Lao Jing took a subordinate who committed the crime to the second floor and asked him to go up and deal with it.

After all, it was the private matter of the Shen family. Shen Muchuan was interrogating behind his back. The process was a little bloody, but he knew in his heart that it would not cause the other person to die.

It's just that Shen Muchuan didn't expect the other party to come prepared. During the interrogation, he was thrown back and hit his head directly.

When he woke up again, he found that he was holding the murder weapon in his hand, and his subordinates were in a pool of blood.

When the police arrived, Shen Muchuan knew that he had been screwed; but who that person was, he has not been able to find out until now even after he was imprisoned.

Shen Muchuan asked people to check everyone who was present that day, none of them were suspected, and they all had an alibi.

Especially Qin Yuyang, because the news of the marriage between the two parties was revealed, everyone kept toasting him, and after a few moments, he was so drunk.

In this case, Shen Muchuan never doubted Qin Yuyang. Firstly, there was no grievance or enmity between each other, and secondly, it was not good for the other party to kill himself.

His impression of Qin Yuyang so far was that he is perfect, but it was inexplicably suspicious and unreal.

"What?" Hearing Lao Jing's report, Shen Muchuan had a question mark on his face, "You said he was drunk in a bar and kept talking about me?"

He heard, feeling absurd in his heart...

"Yes, Brother Chuan." Lao Jing personally came to the prison and met Shen Muchuan face-to-face, "The person sent to monitor said that Mr. Qin had a face full of pain, and he was fierce to those who came to strike up a conversation."

At once, a fierce face of Qin Yuyang appeared in Shen Muchuan's mind, making himself stunned, "Aren't you guys mistaken?" He pursed his lips, feeling that today's report was not reliable.

"There's no mistake." Lao Jing couldn't wait to swear to heaven, without waiting he said frankly, "It's all true, Brother Chuan, Mr. Qin has become a loner recently and had no communication with anyone, except going to work and then return at home."

If these actions are all acting, then that's too ridiculous, Lao Jing doesn't believe it anyway.

"Oh..." Shen Muchuan didn't know how to respond. He was not good at dealing with such questions, "Ah, how is the investigation of Ma Jinliang's case going?" The conversation turned around and they started talking about business.

"This...I don't have a clue yet." Talking about this matter in the prison was not good, Lao Jing whispered, "We have checked all the guests who were there that day. There was really no trace at all."

He was also very depressed; if he didn't have trust in his boss, just by looking at the evidence at the scene, he would have also believed that Shen Muchuan killed the person.

"..." Shen Muchuan's face became ugly.

Because he was also unclear, what exactly happened after he fainted? How did the person die?

"Then Mr. Qin's side..." Lao Jing cooed in front of Shen Muchuan's face.

"What?" Speaking of Qin Yuyang, Shen Muchuan's mind was taken back from the case, "Ahem."

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