Chapter 36

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Yan Yifan searched every corner of room 707 and finally noticed the open balcony door. When he came out, he saw that the distance between his balcony and the balcony next door was not too far.

The Diru Beast probably crawled from here.

As a standard noble gentleman, Yan Yifan didn't want to do such a rude thing as climbing over from the balcony.

As a dying plush control, he rolled up his sleeves without saying a word and resolutely invaded the balcony next door.

On the other side, Jing Xuan walked around the campus casually with a hairball in his clothes.

Qin Yuyang laid on the strong firm muscles of the young man, his pink nose pressing onto the honey-colored skin, and every breath he took was full of strong masculinity.

He feels like fainting!

"What are you doing? Don't move!" Jing Xuan felt the hairball on his stomach crawling up and wanting to come out of the neckline. He immediately lifted his palm and pressed it down.

He didn't press too early, nor did he press too late. When Qin Yuyang had finally crawled up, he shamelessly pressed him back down, making Qin Yuyang feel very frustrated.

He had pressed on his (Qin Yuyang's) mouth!

"Awoo..." Assaulting Teddy, being pinched on the eggs and squished, what else has he experienced today?

Qin Yuyang felt that he had no love for this world.

Jing Xuan walked to the registration office at the school gate and knocked on the door of the guard post, "I'm here to get a pet tag."

"Huh?" The guard glanced at him, "Where is the pet?"

Only then did Jing Xuan stop pressing his palm on the hairball, he reached in through his neckline and grabbed the hairball out, "This one here."

The guard glanced at the hairball, feeling that it was a little familiar, "Diru Beast?" It's another Diru Beast with an overweight body.

Alas, the times have changed. Men are starting to raise Diru Beasts just like women.

"Yes." Jing Xuan pulled open his neckline and stuffed the hairball in once more.

"What's its name?" The guard asked.

"Do you want a name?" Jing Xuan raised his eyebrows, looking down at his bulging belly, and racked his brains to think, "Call it Xiao Di."

"Okay." The guard rolled his eyes, it was another weirdly sounding name.

The boys of the Department of Martial Arts are really equipped with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

It was late after they got the pet's tag.

Jing Xuan touched his stomach, feeling that he hadn't eaten enough for dinner, so he moved to the cafeteria and packed a box of braised pork to eat.

The moment he opened the door to his room, Jing Xuan smelled an unfamiliar smell in his room.

But the whole room was clear at a glance and no one else was seen inside.

This unfamiliar situation made Jing Xuan very irritable but the hairball on his stomach was moving a lot, eager to eat the braised pork. Hmm, forget it.

With a slam of the door, Jing Xuan grabbed his newly acquired pet from his neckline and put it on the table next to the braised pork.

Qin Yuyang didn't care that he was placed down, he dived in head-first towards the stewed meat box and held it with his paws, waiting to be fed.

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