Chapter 45

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From the students of Yard No. 7, the individual who really put his mind into the ranking competition was only Yan Yifan. The rest of the students were either focused on their love life or participating to brew soy sauce1gain experience.

The combination of Silver Wolf 707 and Leopard 705 had an explosive force value and it wasn't surprising that they were at the top of the ranking competition.

There were only three new students that participated, thankfully they didn't get zero points.

When the little raccoon saw his name in the top 30, he jumped three feet high in joy, "Jing Xuan! Amazing! Actually, we could've been ranked higher if you kept on hunting..."

"Stop being so long-winded." Jing Xuan crossed his arms and left the bulletin board that posted their rankings. He searched the training grounds for the freshmen and saw the person he was looking for at a glance.

That person was so dazzling, no matter where he stood he could be spotted in an instant.

"Then, uhh, so are you engaged?" The little raccoon leaned over to him and followed his line of sight. He saw Qin Yuyang standing on the training grounds. The other party was wearing neat clothing with his long white hair in a braid, which made it convenient for practicing combat skills.

The other person's perfectly contoured profile faced towards them in a look of concentration.

"Engagement?" Hearing the word engagement, Jing Xuan's heart thumped. Why didn't he think of it before?

He had already kissed the snow wolf2Yay Yuyang is a snow wolf and they already did what they could do. What he should really do is let the other party give him a title.

So that the people in the academy know who this man belongs to.

"Child, what's the matter with you?" Professor Craig was only in charge of theory classes. The rest of the time he stayed in the teacher's office, reading books or doing experiments.

"Good day Professor, there is something I want to ask your help with." Jing Xuan stood at the door and bowed slightly.

Professor Craig smiled, "Please speak up."

The dragon youth standing in front of him changed from his usual arrogant appearance, appeared uncomfortable and said, "Can I ask you to help us officiate our marriage?"

"Oh?" Professor Craig said, "Is it with Yuyang?"

He sincerely wanted the two children to be together.

"Yes." Jing Xuan nodded and smiled happily, "We want to get engaged." Although it was currently only his decision at the moment, he believed that the man wouldn't refuse.

"That's great. I'd be happy to help you officiate the wedding." Professor Craig said, "Congratulations."

It was obvious that the child was very satisfied with the person he was in a relationship with.

"Thank you very much." Jing Xuan bowed again and said.

Leaving the professor's office, the man walked briskly to find the person who was about to leave the school. He then asked him to continue to fulfill their promise of having dinner together.

The enthusiastic little dragon rushed over with full force towards him from a distance. However, he weighed more than 100 pounds.

Qin Yuyang opened his arms and caught him without a frown.

"I want to tell you something." The little dragon said.

The other party didn't go to harass him all day, Qin Yuyang thought that he was taking a break but now it seems that the other person was secretly planning things.

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