Oh no!!! I hope everything is okay!

Instantly I felt my entire body liquefy from worry like ice cream in the hot sun, concerned about Hanji's mental well-being, I felt as jittery as crickets in a glass jar from the sudden mood change.

"What is it Hanji?" I questioned, extracting myself from Erwin's masculine body, flying closer towards the greasy brunette feeling more anxiety darken my vision like storm clouds on a rainy day, worried about my friend's state.

Hanji kept her head as low as a broken jaw dangling from the very strands of flesh keeping it together, lips sealed and shut as though ducktape was restraining her to speak, and shoulders sunken with sorrow she looked as dreadful as though they were dislocated.

Poor baby, she must feel uncomfortable with everyone here.

I parted my lips open on the verge of asking everyone to be excused and take this conversation upstairs, until Erwin did one better.

"Alright I need everyone out this instance!' declared Erwin with a voice as assertive and engaging as though hearing a gunshot being fired, no one dared to question his motion only reminding me why my little teddy bear was chosen as Commander, compelling his soldiers to trail out of the master bedroom like ants carrying food to their queen.

The only people that remained in the room were myself, Moblit, and Erwin, causing Hanji to release all her worry and doubt on me like I was her therapist.

Hanji flung her dirty, stinky body on me like I was a fresh clean carpet and she was a puppy covered in dirt, though I sensed the distress wallowing her, so I fasten my arms around her lower back like a belt to embrace the two of us into a hug.

"Before coming here, I was called on by a doctor, that Jack is ill and he thinks he's dying." she admitted with a voice as destroyed and broken like a boulder knocking down a house, her tone as weak and drained like a pipe......only indicating me how much she loved Jack

Oh my........I wasn't expecting such news.

Now that I think about it Jack is the same age as Papa.......

I pray Papa's health won't go down.

Hearing her sudden news blow through my ears I was overwhelmed from stun, feeling as paralyzed as though I'd been struck by lightning. All those years of torments and sexual harassment had reappeared in a blink of an eye...... especially how vulnerable and weak I felt towards a demon like him.

I was utterly shocked standing stiff as a piece of cardboard, mindblown from the news though even from all the pain Jack has caused me, Hanji was suffering like an injured kitty and that was enough to tug on my heartstrings and discard how I felt.

Jack did mean something to Hanji because she is torn about it and crying over him.

"Hanji!" I replied feeling my throat thicken from misery like eating a spoonful of sugar to see her in such a stage of grief, tightening my hug around her to express my condolences "I am so sorry."

Everyone remained in complete silence sounding as though we were taking an exam, hearing the greasy brunette sob her misery on my shoulder like a tissue aching my heart in pain because this was a part of life.

Death, and it hurts the most by the ones you loved one.

"Why am I feeling like this, even after everything Jack has put me through......and especially you Aurora." she cried as weak as a bruised apple, hearing loud sniffs echo through the room trying to pick up any loose liquid while her face remained nuzzled into my neck like a scarf.

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