After all, Leon couldn't just casually tell her the part timer was actually a devil sent to keep tabs on him, right? She'd all it nonsense in the blink of an eye. But alas, that was the truth.

Once inside, the 4 women split momentarily to each get a material of clothing they deemed fitting, leaving the boy unattended near the entrance.

{Why don't you just try them suits on yourselves and give it to me later? You certainly don't seem to care about what I think of them...}

Though he didn't exclude the fact he'd probably say no to all of them out of spite. He wasn't that moral of a person as to not be petty.

Alas, no choice but patiently wait till his time to play dress-up comes along. With a bit of luck, he'd get to choose one at random and leave as fast as possible. Maybe even avoiding any encounters with people who recognize him from school.


{Never fucking mind!}

Snapping his head towards the exist, he was greeted with, perhaps, the last people he'd wish meet right now.

{It just had to be Issei's friends...}

"So it is you!", they both raised their voices upon conformation

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"So it is you!", they both raised their voices upon conformation. Why the seemed so happy? A mystery till this day.

"What the hell are you 2 doing at the mall? They don't sell porn mags to high schoolers.", the red head rolled his eyes.

"Why is that the first thing you assume of us, senpai!", Motohama, the one with the glasses, seemed hurt.

"I don't think for a second you're unaware of your own reputation on school grounds."

"That doesn't mean you have to drive the nail in. You're a guy just like us, right?", Matsuda continued for his friend.

"I'll gladly identify as anything else on the gender spectrum if it means disassociating from you 2."

"Tch. Another traitor. You're no better than Issei who betrayed to go on summer vacation with the Occult Club. All alone with school idols...."

A bit more and tears would start flowing from their eyes. Just how desperate could some people get.

{If you knew he almost bit the dust, I don't think you'd be as envious anymore. Then again... They're the real winners for living oblivious to the dangers of the world...}

"That aside, why are you hanging out alone,  in a fancy clothing store nonetheless? You want to impress a girl by any chance, senpai?", Matsuda said the last part mockingly. Perhaps the fact this vacation was spent outside of Bruce's perimeter gave them courage. Well not for long. By the time he arrives in Tokyo, the blond will be back in Kuoh.

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