105. [Not the end♡]

Start from the beginning

His phone screen lit up with a family picture of his wife and their boys. Jordan felt like shit.

"Hey baby" he answered trying to mask his guilt.

"Hi honey, just wanted to see how you are?" she said on the other end.

"I'm good, I'm good... just settled into our hotel and gonna meet up with the guys later"

"That's good, me and the boys can't wait to see you again"

His eyes watered and he swallowed hard.

"I can't wait to see you guys too, alright I gotta work now.. Bye"

"I love you"

He slowly hangs up.

A message from Donnie pops up.

D: Yo Jordan, where is your hot self we got work to do man!

Fuck! He thought as he practically just left the hotel and went here without telling anybody.

J: I'll be right there Donnie sorry.

Jordan dreaded going back to work with the guys. Not because he hated them or disliked them, but because they're his brothers. Meaning that they could read him like a book.

In no way did he regret or damned the night he shared with Ava. However, this couldn't see the light of day... at least for now. There's a new tour coming up and all the fans will be pumped to see the guys again.

'Rumors' of Jordan cheating on his wife, would give them publicity, just not the good kind.

Even with his anxiety and mental tiredness, he felt well rested, or better said, relaxed. He hadn't had that kind of amazing passionate sex in a huge while. It was very refreshing to change it up in the bedroom after feeling nothing for the previous years of his marriage.

"Yo Jordan!" A cheerful Joey called out.

Jordan stopped dead in his tracks when he approached him.

"What's up man, where have you been?" Joey questioned.

"Just taking a walk, getting some fresh air"

"That's good man, next time invite me though. I know many places we can hike, maybe even ride some bikes"

" Yeah sure"

Joey took a good look at the older man.

"J, did you do a skin care routine or somethin?"

"No, just took a shower, washed my face and put lotion why?"

"I don't know man, you sort of got a glow to ya"

Jordan stayed silent.

"Like that just had great sex afterglow" Joey pointed out.

He chuckled. "Sorry that's the best way to explain it. Point is, you're looking good, very rejuvenated"

"Thanks Joe, I appreciate that".

Jordan only hoped that no one else notices his post-glow.


The feeling of him was pulsating all throughout her body. Like a tape trying to rewind back to a specific part. She felt needy and emotional. For a man who wasn't even hers.

The guilt was consuming her but her love seemed to overpower it. After all, he was her man and this other woman took him.


Had he had the willpower to reject her, they wouldn't be here. Aching for one another.

She was more than certain that he was thinking about her too.

Part of her was mad at herself and the other one, felt fulfilled.

However, she was afraid of getting hurt again and this time, even worse than the first time. Ava didn't want to risk it all for Jordan. Hell, he didn't deserve it, but what happened, happened and there's nothing she can do to change it.

She decided to contact her work to let them know that she will be returning back to Boston tonight if tickets can be obtained as soon as possible.

There was no way that she could stay in California while he was there. Knowing him, he would come looking for her at any moment. Hell, he'll send out Victor to locate her and she didn't want to give him that chance. 

She won't give him that chance to hurt her again. 

Short chapter sorry. But its something to get started again (: 

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