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i've not done anything today, but very differently from yesterday it's raining!
got to love the british summertime

polish girl parts i forgot:
also my mum never found out that i'd walk all that way everyday to see my polish ex
and i stayed past the time i was allowed out so her dad took me home in a smoke filled bumpy car with a polish radio.
that's the last of that now. she's the past thankfully

yikes i'm working 5 days next week with wednesday and sunday off.. with three late shifts. now that sucks. they're all 4 hour shifts except one which is 3.5 hours so 19.5 hours
tbh i'd rather do more in a day than little spread over the week as i like to have days to myself and recover

i had a dream about a girl in my college (randomly made college and girl) she had black hair and was pretty and sat across from my computer. we had the same glasses, black with a little bend at the side in the lens. she was a streamer and i watched her streams a lot and hesitated to make the connection with her about it

i think my mum has a garmin watch that can track my steps.. so maybe i can see how i work etc
also i don't think i wanna be where i'm working in a few years time. i don't have enough time to recover physically, and even though i can live the rest of my life with this job i think i wanna go for something more settled; i have inventions which could be big also. but when i'm 18 i don't think i'll be working on the floor anymore, i'd be bar staff so the physical aspect won't be such a toll on me. we'll see


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