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the temperature is perfect. 27°C with a slight breeze. not too warm or cold and it's perfect

i've never gone anywhere to get connecting buses before but i'm sure it'll all be good

jake wants to go to the football game with me next weekend

i got to the bus station okay, but eventually when the bus came the driver said it was cash or card only and not mango??? so i was stuck and messaged her saying that i can't come

after a while she suggested that her mum can come and pick me up from the bus station. i got in the car to her mum speaking shona? it's the main language of zimbabwe so i assume leah's family are from there
after a stop at lidl to get water, her mum made me put sun screen on. i also said hello to her little brother enashe? i think his name is

so me and leah went walking down a canal pathway which was very pretty and had lots of bikers riding through
it took me longer than it should've but i eventually held her hand and didn't use the 'palm reading trick' i had up my sleeve HMMM

after a long while of walking there we walked to the local co-op where i got myself a large orange rubicon bottle. better than nothing i suppose. but ofc she had to pay for it seeming as i came with just my phone
then we walked to a place she calls 'pitty' which was a large field with a mini forest at the side
we sat in the shade for a short while but eventually left as there were shirtless chavs messing around.
we went into the wooded part and she showed me the places where people ride their bikes along the trail. we came to sit on this log where she lay her head on my shoulder. i kept touching her hair and saying how pretty she was. eventually i found the chance to kiss her

she's a rookie but it was hot. after a while of head shouldering some lads came around this trail with their dirt bikes so we walked along the path and sat on these gravel steps.
she said to me 'it's scary'
'what is?'
to which she replied 'how much i like you'

after a while i knew i needed to go so she walked me to a bus stop and gave me some money to go to the station with.
hugged her goodbye

then i was waiting at the bus stop for my bus. there was a stoner smoking weed with his chav music on and some childish adults making noise with their music too
got on the bus after some trouble with the stupid app and that's where i am now :)

got home safe but late
had my lasagne and now going to sleep. work tomorrow
and it being red hot tomorrow too


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