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Been awake a while but have stayed in bed for longer. It's got to the point where I think they're making noise just to wake me up it's that loud

We originally planned to go to lands end and Penzance today but instead we took the ferry over to padstow. It's a pretty little seaside town. We found a place to eat and then went through the shops. There were a lot of rum shops.. and a lot of pretty girls

We went into this art showroom place and we ended up staying 20 minutes talking to this artist lady about one of her paintings I liked from her
She seemed a bit mental but was nice. That's pretty much all artists though
She said that music inspires her artwork so I said 'you must have a good music taste then'
She said that I look like one of her cool lions she painted and said I should be in a rock band
I asked how much that painting I liked was and she said around £400 but said for me it will be £200 :)

I went into a gift shop and bought a small wizard turtle made from sea shells for £1
That's all I bought today lol

Except, once we got the ferry back I stopped off at the local shop and got lots of drinks and some polos

I think tomorrow we go to lands end etc and Friday we rest, stay in. Then Saturday we leave

I'm next working on Wednesday :3

Sister made bolognaise for us again. I gave her a 5/10 this time instead of a 4/10
As the sphaget was less dry due to her mixing it with the bol

I believe I'll be meeting Leah on Sunday..

Sat outside to cool off from my bath

That's all for today! I'll sit here with my apple juice and glass and chill with my polos and wine gums for the rest of the night

Until tomorrow

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