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had a dream about a school bus taking the school group around the country to small army shops on industrial estates??

god i feel like i've slept forever

i think it's a big f you to my previous job. paying me £31 for 8 hours of endless work with the public and a high pressure environment.
my grandma knows my true worth. she gives me £30 for 2 hours of gardening work which she doesn't even supervise me on

though on my next job because of my age i won't be paid much. it's full time too so at least i'll be earning more than what i have ever. i also saw a review saying they they treat their staff badly...

i have a game called wall kickers which i've been playing a lot. me and jake both have it and my highscore is 183 i think

good day in football today!

tomorrow i prepare for my interview and maybe go for a walk.
when i woke up this morning i felt awful. my body was aching all over


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