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crazy crazy day. where do i begin

i wanted my fringe cutting so it grew nicely for holiday.. well during my lunch break i went and got a bacon cob from down the road and then headed for the hairdressers
the hairdresser asked if we sell razors at the pharmacy, he seemed like he wanted some
anyway he completely fucked my fringe but and his partner said i could have it for free! so i decided i'd go out and find these razors he was on about
i knew that they were in a yellow box, that's all and that it was the head of the razors he wanted
i tried superdrug, they didn't have any. i tried boots and they had something similar..?
it was £14.99 so i thought i'd get them. anyway i didn't have my card on my so i went home, ate my cob and then went straight back to buy them
the mf machine asked for my pin which i didn't know so i held up a queue searching for it which stressed me out even more
so i went to the barbers after i finally got these razors and he said they were the wrong ones.. and said they are in a big yellow box. i gave them to him anyway and just said they they're a gift

i needed a drink before my break was over so i went into a new shop i hadn't been into before and got a can of cola. well the lady said it was £5 minimum spend on card so said i said i'd just get more. so 3 cans and two bottles of coke later i walk out

i don't even drink coke...
i did my training all afternoon and about 1600 words i think? about the journey of a prescription through a pharmacy from prescriber to patient

i wanted to give all this coke to jake because i'd rather give them to him than my sister for example
so when he said he was back from his aunties i sped walked over at 8pm and got to the other side of town in 11 minutes
he said thank you as his dog barked at me and then i went back home

well it's midnight now and i was about to change my birds water when i spotted one of the birds, face down in the corner of the cage..
it's rosemary
she's been quiet recently, hiding beneath her wing in the sun. sometimes i'd walk past and she'd barely flinch and today i did and she didn't flinch at all. i thought it might've been her being tired or the heat but i never would've thought that she was unwell

she's always been the quiet one, who chirps back to romero when he calls for her. she was large, yes she ate a lot of seed but i suppose romero will be lonely now. i've already watched him mourn over her, his best friend
do i get romero a new buddy? do i give him time? how would i introduce him to someone new?
there's a lot to think about but rn i need to get rosemary out of there and into her burial box
i've chosen a fairy washing machine tide pod box so it can degrade in the soil. it's best to remove her so that romero isn't about and do he doesn't eat her or something crazy

i'll update soon

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