22.2.23 💼

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Last night right after work, me and Jake caught a train to a local city where we watched a football game. We'd never been to this football ground before but they are top of their respective league. Saying this though, the atmosphere wasn't the best but still it was a good game with a 4-0 win over a club which may not exist this time next week...
We caught the bus back home

I had some spare time yesterday at work and i managed to complete one of my training courses so i am now certified to safeguarding children! Though it is only level one, it will look good on my CV nonetheless. Today i'm gonna try and get the adult version of the certification completed

Todays going okay at work so far. The manager is off to London for a concert or something so we are coping by ourselves. I've never noticed how many crackheads live in my local town. Even working there you hear occasional screams out of the window from mental people. Like a man today walked past, stopped randomly and screamed then walked on. Later i saw him slumped in a shop entrance. There are so many of them and unfortunately some of them come into the pharmacy for methadone. I'm definitely not living here when i'm older for my own safety. Maybe i'll just go abroad

I suppose the qualifications i'm in for won't necessarily take me away from the crackheads but there are other certifications i can gain from this, and i can work in other places too like hospitals where people will have missing legs and not teeth

My dad drank a whole bottle of whisky last night and has had the day off work to suffer in bed. He does this every week and i simply have no sympathy whatsoever. I hope he drinks himself to death

got home, i was supposed to have a half an hour break because it's a wednesday so i'll have half an hour tomorrow instead...

i'm home now and i must sleep early. i've just done 50 bicep curls with each arm with 7.5kg weights


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