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i worked christmas eve and i hate combining separate work days into a single diary entry but i'll sum up yesterday:
• Rob was nasty to me, a manager and didn't let me get a card for a lady for literally a few seconds
• gave some old people that are friendly to me a card with a nice message inside :)
• member of bar staff gave me a card which was nice
• it wasn't too busy, i was luckily on a morning shift though but i'm glad i wasn't in later on


i woke up and dragged myself downstairs to more presents than i was expecting. i didn't have many cards at all this time, just from my auntie, uncle and parents
i got a portable DVD player with the german movies i've wanted a for a while now. very happy with that :)
socks, chocolates OH and a weight set too so i can work my arms out
well i held the 7.5KG weight out fully with my right arm and already damaged my elbow 😭
i have today and tomoz off so hopefully it'll get better by the time i'm back in work
also got a pair of winter boots which are slightly big but get the job done nonetheless

i watched one of my german movies before setting off for the christmas meal and grandmas
i opened my presents there. i had a huge chocolate galaxy bar and toblerone and £50 in a card :) i don't think she knew what to get me lmao
i brought that expensive bottle of wine i got to the christmas dinner table too. it was argentinian malbec and it took me, my grandad and mum around 10 minutes to get the foil wrap off the bottle and then yank the cork out with the cork screw
it was just the screw and a handle, no pulling mechanism so between me and my mum we had to pull it out really hard. luckily we managed to do it :)

i poured everyone on the table a little wine. i thought it was okay and i think if you really wanna enjoy wine you've got to have some first if you know what i mean. anyway my sister didn't like it but the rest did
i had around 3 or 4 glasses before i started getting sleepy. i think that's what must happen if i drink then i just get really sleepy but after having some more turkey cuttings i sobered up more. wine is best with food as it doesn't affect you as much
i'm proud to say between us all we finished the bottle off! my grandad liked it too

we watched the great escape and some elvis show on the tv before we had our evening meal which we have each year of ham, trifle, crisps among other things and then took some family photos with my good camera. i got one with clemie too, she's 7 now

anyway i got home and watched another DVD before dropping off to bed :)

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