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it's been a long day.
i got ready, wearing my new cardigan and got the bus to my local city. unfortunately it was late due to the driver being a learner...
it took 4 times what it should've. there was roadworks AND i had to take the bus which has the long route as i'd be waiting another 20 mins. even the old lady i sat next to was saying how long it was

so eventually i got to the city and got the bus there

we went down the long canal path together. i put flowers in her hair. occasionally dodging the cyclists that go past
we eventually found a gap to a field lined by trees. so we snuck into the trees in this field, sitting against one cuddling
i told her my worries and she just said she has problems with communication
she then slept in my arms for a while until i started really hurting. so then we checked out this weird raised thing in the field. i assumed it was a stock pond and i was right. i couldnt see much in it and then i saw the farmers water cultivating methods on the field of peas. i forgot what it's called now but i explained it to her until we saw a buggy riding across the field. so we decided to get out
we walked further up the canal path, taking a random exit and came across a huge river.
a man came up on his electric scooter and said that he's lived there his whole life and never has been this. also that his friends used to dive off there
we found a bench with lots of beer caps on and sat there for a min
when we went back to the bridge i threw a rock off and she did too, except her phone came out of her pocket and very nearly went into the river.... less than a meter away which shook her

then we walked back to a one stop where i got jelly babies, texas bbq pringles and a '?' fanta like i had on holiday
she got skips, a rubicon can. i offered to pay for her stuff but she didn't want me to

then we had a mini picnic for a while until i needed to get home. she walked me to the bus stop where we waited a while
when the bus came a random man went ahead of me who just walked there
the driver told him to apologise which he reluctantly did..??

i got to the bus station and then waited 20 mins for the fast bus home
it was much better and faster than the others and i got home in under 20 mins i believe

i then proceeded to have 16 hours of sleep...

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