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didn't work yesterday + didn't update my diary as i did nothing
went to bed at 5am... doesn't help when i struggle for sleep but i found form on a game

got woken up 8 mins before my driving lesson lmfaoo so i rushed and got out. probably the least amount of time i've had to get out

holy shit i have another work week on my rota and there aren't any consecutive days 😍

i get 6X what i did from working at that childrens play centre

my new really expensive fan arrived. it's remote control, has night mode. a timer, a screen, 360° range and 4 speeds etc. also it's really energy efficient so it won't fuck the energy bill as much as my other fan. i normally sleep with my fan on as it blocks out other noise and keeps me cool

hit my head on my metal bed

omfgggggg i could've been in berlin right now
think there's just something with me and missing out on trips like with naples in 2019. covid didn't let me go with school :( and now i could've gone to berlin if i wasn't lied to
but i'm saving up and i'll go to all these places anyway once i start selling things online

work tomoz

My diary 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora