16.6.23 💼

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well works been fine lately i guess. my manager is really helpful with my coursework which is also going along nicely
sometimes i go above and beyond for patients, like today where a lady needed a cream but she's going to america tomorrow, but we didn't have her perscription so i took her number and said i'd call her back when we got it. well we ended up not having the cream so i went to the pharmacy across the street for her
of course i didn't have to do any of this, i was just being nice. other times you get the most droning never ending talker twat on the phone which sucks the will to live from you. or random old people calling from across the uk....?

jake has his passport now so we can go abroad. we are thinking about going to paris for a weekend this year, maybe october time. but first i have bermuda in late july and then boston in september
i'm looking forward to both! me and xaana are on good terms too. i've bought the right sized clothes for me now also
next year me and jake are planning to travel all around germany to watch football and then maybe go on holiday with jake and family to turkey for 10 days. nothing set in stone yet of course

this weekend is alfie's birthday so we are having a meal for him at a local pub and after me and jake are going out to play football
my grandad as brother has passed away, another one but this time from leukaemia. he's lost two brothers this year now.. he came from a huge family of 6 or 7 and now it's just him, his sister (who has severe dementia but still drives?!) and a brother in new zealand. it just makes you think who's going to be next. also my granddads cancer has come back in his back. he's having surgery soon to remove it

i can't think of much else.. i feel fine, mellow. i just get on with life. i suppose i don't have time to complain
i've messaged leah and we are gonna try and meet when her exams have finished in two weeks time
i'm speaking to a french girl named zoé who is pretty
and yes that's all!

goodnight m

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