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i told my mum last night that i had reserved a hotel in mallorca. basically i've cancelled it because she doesn't want me going alone. tho i can't get a refund on the flight..
i might be allowed to go on a cruise to bermuda/ caribbean next year though

on my way to work now. i assume it will be busy today
quite a bad day for the new boy to be training if it's busy ngl
i remember i was brought in on a quiet tuesday morning i believe

yes work was very busy. it didn't help with the majority of customers being completely unable to think or make their minds up
one lady didn't know what she ordered and thought she had coleslaw and stuff with it. then there was a man giving me cheek when i went to clear his table saying 'yeah i did ask you about 10 mins ago'
like mf i'm left to run the entire place on my own and you have to make such pathetic remarks. get a fucking life
then i had an altercation with my sisters and ex boyfriends mum who was asking about mayo while i was rushing around? she ordered a medium rare steak and a 'nearly well done' one which was a medium well i believe. well she got them and told me they were raw.. so i took them back to the very busy kitchen and it turned out she asked for medium rare and a well done one. so the kitchen was halted while we made her the new food. and you can guess what happened
she said that she ordered a well done and a very well done. so we wasted 4 steaks and their accompanying food on a lady because she's mental. i don't know..
if we have to go back to the kitchen 2 or 3 times because of her then i'm adamant it's not the steaks

i've told sandra i can't see her and she seems to understand


My diary 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora